This question was prompted by my thoughts about using scent as a dream notifier. A little while ago I experimented in using a reasonably bright table lamp next to my bed plugged into an electronic timeswitch so that it would come on for one minute when I expected to be in REM sleep and hopefully give me a cue to become lucid.

However, whether I messed up calculating when this would be or whether I had my back to the lamp at the time I don't know for on no occasion did it penetrate my sleep and at best, when I was in a lighter sleep, ie end of dream period and woke me fully.

But another thought has just occured to me and that is to use an electric fan to blow air over my face/head at a preset time. Hopefully they feel of the breeze blowing through my hair will remind me to become lucid, but can you help at suggesting the best time to switch it on.

I have tried to estimate when I shall fall asleep by, and then work out ninety minute intervals from there, but before I always seemed to be 'awake' (just) by about 15 minutes, so I tried to deduct half an hour from this, but then I noticed nothing. I was aiming for around the 3.00am period as I would be in a longer REM period and hopefully have a decent amount of sleep time left.....

Thoughts please