Hi all,

As you can see I'm new to these forums... I've been recording my dreams, and I'm at the point now I can remember atleast one dream per night without even trying too. Which is great.

Anyway, today I got up early after about 6 hours of sleep... did what I had to do in the morning, and later in the afternoon went home and just chilled out on the bed watching tv at a comfortable volume. I started to get really tired and could barely open my eyes. So I'd close my eyes and be able to comprehend the voices on the tv. I'd routinely open my eyes and try to watch tv for a few mins, then... my eyes could close. Anyway, I got to a point where I couldn't open my eyes any longer, and I decided to lucid dream because I knew I was awake, but I could fall into a sleep basically instantly. I closed my eyes, and had my hand sort of on my hip bone. And I started to feel a little bit tingly and had loss of feeling and just felt the tingles, but I could feel my hip bone. I concentrated on the feeling of my hip bone (as I haven't had much success with hyponotic imagery) and the feeling of my hip bone started to feel "not real", so I kept going along with it. then, I started to get imagery of my face (but it felt as if I was looking through this face) and it started to erode in the skin and becoming very unusual. At this point I felt unbelievable vibrations, and my heart rate was amazing, felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. The vibrations got incredibly intense, and I started to feel fearful and stressful... and "pulled" myself out of this bizarre experience. I woke up and my heart was pumping and head almost felt like it was vibrating. I don't know what to make of this experience, but this sensation of vibration was just incredibly intense, and I was too fearful to just let it go (because it felt so "real" aswell). It felt like a bumpy ride rather than a smooth transition, and the feeling was induced about 15 seconds after I had closed my eyes and concentrated on inducing myself into it.

Is this truely a stage of WILD? The vibrations is basically what frightened me, because it was so intense... *takes deep breath*. Also, when the vibrations were at its peak, the imagery also became shakey. Kind of like the shaky transition effects they use on 'The Butterfly Effect'... corny I know, but thats how it looked.