Well, last night I remembered 3 dreams. What is in question, is wheather the second dream could be considered my first lucid dream, considering I didn't really do anything in it. The dream was medium length, and for the most party very vivid!

So, in the second dream I was walking down main stairs in my school. I went into the gym and so this girl. She was really pretty . Suddenly, it hit me that I could be dreaming. I don't know how, it just came out of the blue like it did a dream I had last week. I RC'd twice. First, I pinched my arm. It felt like it does when I pinch my arm in a dream, swollen and like it had gotten a needle that numbs your feeling. Then, I tried to remember what I did in the past 5 hours. I could only remember what myself walking down the stairs (I saw myself very blurrily in 3rd person). So, I was dreaming

I was thinking: "OH SWEET COOL!" and I attempted dream spinning. I made everything into an outside night scene, with a bright crescent moon, but then it reverted back Then, I went on my computer and watched some videos. I kinda forgot I was dreaming at this point, but instead of actually watching the videos on my computer I was actually watching them myself.

I don't really think that's considered a lucid dream, since I only changed the scene once for a few seconds, but is it?