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    Thread: Is this normal?

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    1. #1
      Member VoltÆre's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2006

      Is this normal?

      Recently, even when I haven't been trying to LD, as soon as I feel my body start to enter sleep paralysis, I instantly become conceous of what is going on. It's like my mind has been trained to recognize it and I suddenly have complete control. Last night I was able to trigger a 2-hour long LD without really even trying.

      My question is, is this normal or possible to be able to train your mind to recognize these things unconciously and alert you back to reason? It has happened nearly every time I have fallen asleep recently.

      I'm certainly not complaining and I'm wondering if I could somehow work this into a real induction technique? Or is there already one like this?
      Total lucid dreams since joining: 11

    2. #2
      Lurker jonas's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      Ya man i know what you mean i do that sometimes too, and it feels very odd. im sure its perfectly normal the only thing is that your brain is just used to it all the time i guess. But dont forget you can re-program your brain easily you are simply a human bio-computer with a spirit as the observer/oberator.

      I have somehow been conscious while asleep its messed up. Its not like a LD when you really feel there and aware in a dream its more liek coming back to physcical reality with your subconsious still functioning its on of the most strangest things that has ever happen to me.

      Oh yeah, I would also liek to mention that when ever I go into this mind state my brain floating along a pattern like a song, some kind of melody and there are mathematical calculations going on wich i can feel being processed through my brain. Im not sure if this is what your talking about but, i just thought i should share some of my personal experiences with you since it seems a little similar.


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