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      Member becomingagodo's Avatar
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      I have a rare form of synesthesia where other sense will effect vision for example a beethoven 6th symphony i will see green vivid environment and say i wanted to recal a film i will see it a vivid flash of colour with emotion and picture with it. i have tried lots of technique wild, tibetan monk and hypnosis and they seem to be all about trying to induce realistic synesthesia.
      I have notice in this forum that the best among this group can not remeber dream without sticking to their method and has to rely on RC to attain lucidity. from my direct experience of synesthesia i have devised my own method which i think will give normal people 5 to 6 dreams a night and lucidity ability without the need for RC in your second day of trying it.

      I have notice that synethesia is like a dream and that all you need to do to have lucid dream every night is;
      1. stop thinking near to and going to sleep this worst thing you can do this is the main reason we do not remeber most dream at night and why we remeber most in morning
      2. not imaging can cause loss of dream and of potential for awearness so when going to sleep imagine something which only applies to one sense that does not use speech like classical music or look of waves of water in a glass or something smooth try not to pick something visual.
      3.once you know you have to give it a image with out thinking about and not making it spontaneously i.e. i will imagine beethoven violin romance playing i will become awear of it hearing in my head then i will look for the faintist image i could imagine and i will make it move toward me and then focus on it then the picture will clear up and picture of a rose still listing to the music in my head and being awear of the effect of it on image and then i will do the same for other senses and hold that and other non thinking thought in my head intill i fall sleep then lucidity will follow.
      4. i find during the day it help to think of what thing are like in other of senses without using verbal thought and picturing just being awear of the object and focusing on it. also it help to concentrate on say a object mine was a letter A written on a piece of paper and focusing intensily not moving or even blinking much trying to get your mind not to wonder off and dont think about the A just be awear of it presence this is what gave tibetan monk dream yoga.

      Unlike the other method of attaning lucidity this could very tricky but very powerful luckily my synethesia is like a golden ticket into lucid dreaming however i sure any one can do this just need some non verbal thought imagination using all the sense
      p.s. even if this does not work for about three days you will notice your dream becoming more emotional and less random and in this period you should be neer lucidity and i will anwser any question for thouse who are concerned or open minded to give this ago even if it once because to describe a method based on non verbal thought is really hard. however i been using this technique for years and the only time i remeber not dreaming is trying to have a lucid dream using trick from other method.

    2. #2
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      Synesthesia Hmm Never heard of that before untill I read that article on Wikipedia. However it sounds very familiar to me. Iīm a very Visual person in general and hearing Music dan just POP musical or Visual Inspiration and ideas into my head. However Smell seems to be the sense most likely to link my thoughts to other senses. I remember my Family in Israel had a certain sweet laundry/softner smell in and all around the house.

      recently borrowed a kind of Hippy-ish african-indian Rug from a friend of mine. And the Smell of it just Drives me MAD. thatīs why I just HAD to keep it ąP It smells of Israel and my good memories surrounding that Land. Whenever I smell that Typical ''Israel/LaundrySoftner-smell'' My heart and Mind gets FILLED with Emotions, Flashbacks and pleasant feelings of well being close to good Memories of Holidays and FamilyVisits in Israel. Now I donīt know if that make me apply for Synethesia or that I might have the slightest symptoms of it.I can imagine sleeping with that Rug would possibly Give me a Dream about Israël. I tried it once but at the time, and still, I sleep way to deep for even proper DreamRecall (Insomnia suxxx balls)
      Perhaps you could tell me weather that what I just prescribed is similair to Synethesia Symptoms?
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      Member becomingagodo's Avatar
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      i have heard smell is the most common synesthesia however smell does nothing to me and in dreams i have no sense of smell. in case of your insomnia which i suffer from badly have tried thinking lots before going to bed and thinking nothing in bed it seem to help. for dream recal you could try tibetan mediaition http://www.plotinus.com/zhine_tibetan_dream_yoga.htm it seem to work espically if your a visual person and it tempoverly got rid of my insomnia.

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      Quote Originally Posted by becomingagodo View Post
      i have heard smell is the most common synesthesia however smell does nothing to me and in dreams i have no sense of smell. in case of your insomnia which i suffer from badly have tried thinking lots before going to bed and thinking nothing in bed it seem to help. for dream recal you could try tibetan mediaition http://www.plotinus.com/zhine_tibetan_dream_yoga.htm it seem to work espically if your a visual person and it tempoverly got rid of my insomnia.
      Hey thanks a Bunch! I've been reading about DreamYoga before, but never found any ''dummy'' theoretic information about the BASIC IDEA of it. This seems much Clearer and more obvious educational information on Meditation than often prescribed by Irrational, New Age ''hazy'' people, who throw in too much slang and too much of their own INTERPRETATIONS so it becomes hard for an Outsider, otherthinking Mind to see through that and understand the basics.

      Funny, My first name's First letter is an A

      Tonight I'm going to stick with an Imaginairy Technique where I would Symbolise Conciousness as BEING a LONG long Bridge over a Misty, Foggy Chasm (Unconciousness) and Evil and Beautifull Seducing Sirens( Distracting Random Thoughts) on the Foggy Surface of the Misty Waters, trying to lead me astray and of off the Bridge (Unconcious). And I Imagine I have this MISSION, liek this DUTY-feeling to cross that Bridge Leading me into the Dream eventually, WITHOUT being Distracted by them darned Sirens( Random Thoughts).

      Since I'm such a Visual Person, Trying to Understand Complex, paradox things such as Dreaming, Conciousness, Subconciousness N such seems to work best for me when I Visualise Each of these Terms in a SYMBOLICAL Visual way. And then Putting these Symbolised Terms into a Story that pretty much parrallels and in basics is SIMILAIR to the Way Thes Terms appear in the Everynight Natural Sleeping Process.

      It's... like reading a sentence like this: '' To become Lucid in the DreamState is to take and maintain one's conciousness while entering the Subconcious Mind'' Would have me understand it, but leave me with no really OBVIOUS idea of the Concept.

      While a Symolical Explanation would work much better for me. You'd get something like:
      To become Lucid in Dreams is to NOT get hypnotised by the Lights(Hypnagogic Imagery) and fall into yourself Completely (Unconciousness) and to Float Still in Meditation in a closed off quiet room in your own Mind (Focussing Attention, Dismissing the Random Thought-process, and Maintaining Conciousness) until that room becomes Solid enogh to Walk around in and leave via the door ( Reaching DreamState )

      After this Symbolical Induction of Lucid Dreams-technique I will read more and more about DreamYoga and might attempt it if it appeals to me.
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    5. #5
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      Hi. I am heavily synaesthetic. i assosciate everything and anything with something else. I dont understand what you mean though. How exactly do I use this to become lucid?

    6. #6
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      Quote Originally Posted by born2beWILD View Post
      Hi. I am heavily synaesthetic. i assosciate everything and anything with something else. I dont understand what you mean though. How exactly do I use this to become lucid?
      Hi. I am heavily synaesthetic. i assosciate everything and anything with something else. I dont understand what you mean though. How exactly do I use this to become lucid?
      I recently read that Synethesia is like Hearing a really Imagination Inspiring song and that leading to a Visual Creative Vision for instance. I often have this while trying to induce Imaginative Creativity to Draw and play guitar and Piano. I often get ''visions in Mind'' while listening to Music or While undergoing intense Emotional Situations.

      I might be able to use this to deliberately INCUBATE dreamscenes and VISUALISE scenes which I can LATER recognise as Dreamsigns, leading to Lucidity.
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      Oh now i see! I know exactly what you mean. I do the same while playing guitar. I am going to try this tonight.

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      Member taihen's Avatar
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      Hmm... I am also interested in this. May this be another facet of WILD that is unexplored? I am also going to give this one a go. Thanks Becoming for posting something really original.

      I am from South Africa

    9. #9
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      <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("becomingagodo")</div>
      i will imagine beethoven violin romance playing i will become awear of it hearing in my head then i will look for the faintist image[/b]
      What about using the technique while listening to Somnium by Robert Rich, which was mentioned in this thread, instead of just imagining music?

      "Somnium and the Sleep Concert
      by Robert Rich

      The term "Sleep Concert" can be a bit misleading, as it implies that this music is intended to help you sleep deeply. On the contrary, when you play Somnium at night, you may find that you sleep less deeply, and wake up more often. The idea is to let the music incorporate itself into your perceptual framework during the night, to create a sonic surround, an environment for unique states of consciousness. The music is aimed at the nebulous territory that exists in your mind when you are hovering between awake and asleep, when you are still aware of your environment, yet detached, when your half-sleeping mind wanders into the realm of hypnogogic images and dreamlike non-linearity. You might find that this music can act as a trigger for these flowing thoughts, and the activation of the environment around you can help you to skate around the edges of sleep, with one foot in the dream world and one foot in the room where you are sleeping.

      The experience of listening to Somnium in your home will differ from the experience of audience members during the Sleep Concerts that inspired this music. In the concert environment, an additional state of heightened arousal can occur from social factors, whereas the environment of the home is more relaxed. At home you will have more choices about the way you listen to this music, so the music must also conform to these different possibilities.

      Certain things happen when many people sleep in a room together. In general, people sleep less deeply. One of the more mundane reasons for this is snoring. An estimated 10% of the population snores, which means that in a room with 50-100 people, some will snore. Since the music is generally very quiet, snoring can become invasive (and sometimes it&#39;s quite funny.) Besides snoring, other interruptions will doubtless invade the Sleep Concert ambience. Among these may be traffic sounds, car alarms, sirens, or people walking around in the room when they get up to use the bathroom. Audience members may also notice my presence in the room as I work behind the mixer. The simple noises of other people can keep listeners in a lighter sleep.

      Interestingly, people become more physiologically activated merely by being in the proximity of other people. Perhaps this arousal is a purely chemical phenomenon. This is one of the interesting features that distinguish a live Sleep Concert from listening to Somnium at home. In the act of bringing a group of people together in the same room, we create an energized environment, which can contribute to the intensity of personal experiences. But for these factors to contribute to an interesting aesthetic experience, listeners must combine this activation with an increase in attention to internal states of mind. The music helps to intensify this internal focus. You can use Somnium at home in the same way.

      The musical environment of Somnium can act like a lens to sharpen mental images, a stimulus to help you generate internal realities. Some of the sounds are abstract, blurry, hard to separate from the background. Other sounds evoke natural environments, open spaces, insects and animal calls, wind or rain. The music can replace the acoustics of a room with a shifting virtual soundscape.

      To get the most out of Somnium, I recommend that you focus on several aspects of the sleeping experience. The most interesting experiences will occur in the transitions between sleeping and waking, and later when you are dreaming. Stage 1, non-REM sleep is the transitional stage of sleep, when you are still partly conscious of your environment. This distinguishes it from Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM), when you have the most coherent dreams.

      During the transitions into Stage 1 sleep, you might have dreamlike thoughts and visions called hypnogogic images. Hypnogogic images are often less organized than true dreams, and often come blended with a semi-awareness of your environment. If you pass from this stage into a deeper sleep, you will not remember these images and thoughts. But if you can linger at the edge, slipping in and out of stage 1 sleep, you can ride along the edge of your own awareness. You can use the music as a focal point to hold yourself right at the brink of sleep, to help you maintain this hypnogogic state like a surfer uses gravity to stay on the leading edge of a wave. During these hypnogogic experiences, you might find that the sonic environment triggers dreamlike hallucinations, evoking fragile new mental landscapes.

      You might also remember more dreams while sleeping with Somnium, and they might be more vivid and intense. The reasons for this again relate to the activated environment. In order to remember a dream, you must wake up from it. The more you pay attention upon awakening, the more you will remember and the more vivid the memories will be.

      One of the more interesting dream experiences you might encounter is lucid dreaming - when you become aware that you are dreaming while still in the dream. Once you become aware that you are dreaming, you can affect the action within your dream, letting you explore the dream world actively rather than as a passive observer. Lucid dreaming becomes possible when you pay attention to the signs that you are dreaming, when you attend to your conscious processes. You may find that the activating nature of the Somnium environment can help you to pay closer attention to your mental states, and may even help you have a lucid dream.

      For some people, more intense dreams can become unpleasant, due in part to negative expectations and mental habit. Self-awareness, and lucid dreaming in particular, can help overcome some of these habitual reactions. When you dream, your mind is trying to interpret current physiological and environmental conditions, and these interpretations can become incorporated into dream content. If your body starts to generate more energy or tension, the brain can interpret this arousal as fear, and the night&#39;s dreams might develop some dark overtones. However, the brain can also interpret arousal as mystical ecstasy, joy or sexual energy. All of these feelings are closely related in the body, and they relate closely to past experiences, expectations and environmental cues. The music on Somnium does not intentionally evoke any specific images, light or dark, but rather hangs in an indistinct place which you can interpret in many ways, like the ink-blots of a Rorschach test.

      The dream journey resembles a shaman&#39;s journey, in that shamans know that they carry with them their own expectations when they enter their spirit world. Likewise, your past and your preconceptions will influence your dreams, along with your current environment. Throughout Somnium, the music gets quite deep, it explores the shadows. The music is also quite gentle. If you open yourself up to the possibility of intense experience, you can explore your mental states with an open mind. Even the shadows contain useful information. The more you pay attention, the more you might find."

      That&#39;s from his website which is his name.com. Sounds interesting.

    10. #10
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      Quote Originally Posted by becomingagodo View Post
      I have a rare form of synesthesia where other sense will effect vision for example a beethoven 6th symphony i will see green vivid environment and say i wanted to recal a film i will see it a vivid flash of colour with emotion and picture with it.[/b]
      Yeah I&#39;ve hear More people about that Destinct Green moving Flare of Light I often see myself behind my Closed eyelids when falling asleep: Like a green Solar Flair like BRIGHT light, Sometimes Bright white, sometimes Purple or Red but MOST of the time Green.

      Listen to this:
      My Insomnia, which now is finally going away after about 7 months of restlessness, had already made me quite &#39;&#39;trippy&#39;&#39; overall. Yesterday Morning I woke up, slept again in the moring and woke up again in my somewhat darkened room. I have one wall on which the sillhouette of a Mexican Dessert with a Blue nightly sky over it with a Bright white Moon. I was very tired and smoked 2 joints and Flashed the Stroboscope before my closed eyelids for a minute or so to Recreate the DreaMachine Effect all to Increase Hypnagogia before sleeping again.

      I then started STARING with Parallell Vision, out of Focus,( like &#39;&#39;Looking without seeing&#39;&#39 at the moon and suddenly noticed how, VERY OBVIOUSLY, that familiar Green Blob of Bright light started sort of &#39;&#39;Floating&#39;&#39; around in my Field of Vision.It&#39;s like Looking with your Imagination, rather than with your Physical eyes. And the Rest of the room seemed to visually distort and fade to black with some moving hypnagogia colors in it: like tunnelvision. At a certain point all I saw was this Green Brigh Floating Lightblob and the rest of my room blackened beyond any visibility: While my eyes were wide open

      Actually as much as it surprised me and blew my Mind, it also remimded me that I have more often been able to do this deliberately. But this time the Hypnagogia was really really strong, obvious and so Bold not to dissapear quickly again but stay in my vision for what must have been like 5 minues nonstop before I closed my eyes and went sleeping again.

      I am NUTZ, as they say, so I can do nothing else but ENJOY such weirdness.

      But Whats the F*cks was that man? Hypnagogic Hallucinations Manifesting themselves outside of Sleep with Eyes open? WTF Open Eyes Hypnagogia? Greeaaat stuff

      Anywayz the Green Light reminded me of You and this Synethesia Topic and I later started thinking what possible other sensory impulse ( Music, Air Temperature, Smells..etc) may have possibly contributed to this spontanious and bizarre State of Waking Hypnagogia. But I couldn&#39;t remember anything that was Different that morning from other Mornings.

      Perhaps just Morning Dreamyness + 2 Joints of Sweet Marijuana + Tea(which calms me) and the REM-potentiating StroboScopeLight Technique were mainly responsible. But since I spend more days and nights doing that there may be a specific important factor I missed.
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      Quote Originally Posted by Follower;
      Hmm, I think that lots of people who consider themselves synethetic in fact are not&#33; For some reason they heard about it, decided that it&#39;s &#39;cool&#39; and deceive themselves.
      For instance, what is described in the first post (images while listening to music, the way of thinking of movies) is actually how a brain works. It can seem not normal if you never paid attention, though, and then some article about synethesia brought it to your attention and you suddenly think that you&#39;re a synethesic person
      Slightly off-topic, but too many people seem to misunderstand what this is about. You can&#39;t easily miss the fact that you&#39;ve got synethesia. Sorry to disappoint you, guys.

      It is known that there are only very FEW people with FullBlown Synesthesia, and MANY with synethesia in weaker forms. I can Imagine that &#39;&#39;Diagnosed&#39;&#39; Synethesia would be really profound and hard to miss.
      But it&#39;s not like a YES or NO question. some people have it really strong, the way a certain typical Smell can just Summon up an extrerme Whirl of Emotions and memories, or seeing/thinking of green when listening to Certain Music. While others may only get brief and less strong memories and emotions from external(usually Olfactory:Smell) impulses.
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      Like Follower said that&#39;s how our brains work. Smell is well known as being the most powerful sense to recall previously forgotten memories. All the other senses are associated to memory in the same why just not as strongly as smell. In fact I think Marcel Proust wrote about this in &#39;In Search of Lost Time&#39; (A la recherche du temps perdu), although I may be wrong. The most powerful memory systems work in the same way by associating things to other things such as in the Link and the Peg systems. The reason they work so well is because they work with the brain in the same way. I don&#39;t think this is synaesthesia. Synaesthesia is when you physically smell a colour or actually see sound. It&#39;s reported to occur during an Amanita Muscaria trip.

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      Quote Originally Posted by Jess View Post
      Like Follower said that&#39;s how our brains work. Smell is well known as being the most powerful sense to recall previously forgotten memories. All the other senses are associated to memory in the same why just not as strongly as smell. In fact I think Marcel Proust wrote about this in &#39;In Search of Lost Time&#39; (A la recherche du temps perdu), although I may be wrong. The most powerful memory systems work in the same way by associating things to other things such as in the Link and the Peg systems. The reason they work so well is because they work with the brain in the same way. I don&#39;t think this is synaesthesia. Synaesthesia is when you physically smell a colour or actually see sound. It&#39;s reported to occur during an Amanita Muscaria trip.
      ah I see. LSD trips are known for a lot of people to be able to see Sound in color or Hear visions. Like A visual Impulse can be perceptd as an Auditory one as well?

      I have experienced seeing like erm... sort of transparent like air-vibrations comming from a Music playing Stereo-CDplayer&#39;s boxes while Mushroom Tripping. They were Hawaiian Copelandia Mushrooms. That&#39;s a Visual Perception of an Auditory Impulse.
      But I have also experienced this in weaker forms while being sober, but for instance when very very tired.
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      to defend the fact i got synesthesia is that the most testable one will be my touch motor synthesthesia e.g. say if someone tap my head my bottom eyelid would twich. the defination of synthesthesian is a sensory respond that cause another sensory responce and this would be automatic and your comment about this how your mind work i might have not explained it properly first when you remeber something it in normal which is not the case for me it all in one colour say blue secondly that blue colour will have a movement associated with it like rocking or tapping and thirdly i do not use a memory system i reason thing out when i want to remeber something i do not sit their thinking this picture could be this and this link with this. however i suppose i could have a obessive complusive disorder because i always tap my motion if not symetrical i have to make symetrical but it isnt uncommon for synesthesia to come with OCD also synesthesia come with strong migraine because your brain is doing something it not meant to which i suffer.

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      Quote Originally Posted by becomingagodo View Post
      to defend the fact i got synesthesia is that the most testable one will be my touch motor synthesthesia e.g. say if someone tap my head my bottom eyelid would twich. the defination of synthesthesian is a sensory respond that cause another sensory responce and this would be automatic and your comment about this how your mind work i might have not explained it properly first when you remeber something it in normal which is not the case for me it all in one colour say blue secondly that blue colour will have a movement associated with it like rocking or tapping and thirdly i do not use a memory system i reason thing out when i want to remeber something i do not sit their thinking this picture could be this and this link with this. however i suppose i could have a obessive complusive disorder because i always tap my motion if not symetrical i have to make symetrical but it isnt uncommon for synesthesia to come with OCD also synesthesia come with strong migraine because your brain is doing something it not meant to which i suffer.
      ah I understad now. Well Wikipedia prescribed Synethesia not really specificly and more as linking sensory impulses to illogical responses. That&#39;s kind of a wide defenition. But what you now describe is much more destinct.

      Can you describe a couple of your personal Typical Synethesia Symptoms in a list?
      Maybe it&#39;ll become more obvious for the rest of us too what exactly it is.
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      Quote Originally Posted by SKA View Post
      I have experienced seeing like erm... sort of transparent like air-vibrations comming from a Music playing Stereo-CDplayer&#39;s boxes while Mushroom Tripping.[/b]
      My cat&#39;s experienced that too and yes I think that&#39;s what synaesthesia is.

      Sorry becomingagodo, I wasn&#39;t denying you have synaesthesia, just agreeing with Follower who said,
      Quote Originally Posted by SKA View Post
      I think that lots of people who consider themselves synethetic in fact are not&#33;[/b]
      I wasn&#39;t implying that you use a memory system (although you should because they&#39;re great&#33, I was highlighting the fact that the brain works in the same way naturally associating things together for convenience.

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      Yeah but these same &#39;&#39;air particles&#39;&#39; or whatever I saw comming from the Speakerboxes. I see it also in the (appearant) absence of hardly any sensory impulses.

      When I lay down in bed and switch of the lights in the Pitchblack I can almost always see something that looks like a sort of &#39;&#39;motion&#39;&#39; all around me. It&#39;s like what you see on a TVscreen that has no Signal, but then very colorfull and transparent and VERY dynamic. But couldn&#39;t this be remaining or pre-Hypnagogia? I&#39;ve had it alot in my youth too. especially after awakening from disturbing Nightmares and getting in my parents bed. I saw this profound and beautyfull &#39;&#39;weirdness&#39;&#39; all around me. Hypnagogia gone wild? or not?

      I can actually invoke it by staring into the dark with my eyes out of focus. Is that anything like the Visual perception experienced in Synethesia? I ask you, becommingagodo, since you should know. If it isn&#39;t then what the hell IS it anyways? Have other people experienced that too?
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      Quote Originally Posted by Follower;
      The waves of air coming from the speakers are interesting..
      As for the rest, I know a few people who experience the same. Without or with eyes open, they see weird patterns of colours, motion, etc. They&#39;re not synethetic, though. It&#39;s just that many things are actually normal. I see something like an image of different colourful patterns while listening to music, and it&#39;s uncontrollable, i.e. each instrument and each tone is already associated with some colour, the pace of music reflects the change, and the melody somehow influences the patterns... I don&#39;t believe this is even remotely synethesia. This is normal, the fact is that people don&#39;t normally pay attention.
      As for the speakers... Hmm. Could it be an extended ability of sorts? Some people (myself included, so I can attest) hear electrical devices work from outside the house (even muted, like TV with sound off). This is sort of an extended ability to hear - you detect a certain range of ultrasounds undetected by a normal person. Maybe your case is something alike... Though it&#39;s strange, indeed. But who knows what it really is. Speaking of visual weirdness, I used to make fun bending walls outward in my room, &#39;hallucinating&#39; at will, though the first time it happened wasn&#39;t intentional. So who knows.
      I just don&#39;t understand all the hype about synethesia and why you should feel bad if you don&#39;t have it (or good if you do)
      Yeah when my mom falls asleep with the TV on, with the sound turned off, there&#39;s this Highest Beeping Tone that just Drives me crazy. I can&#39;t understand how soe people canot hear that It&#39;s funny you mentioned it

      And yeah &#39;&#39;hallucinating intentionally&#39;&#39; is more sort of &#39;&#39;seeing with your THOUGHTS&#39;&#39;, Mind&#39;s eye if you will, rather than with your Physical eyes. I just put my eyes on DeadStare and see whatever my Mind does with my vision. It&#39;s really weird, but very common: Most of the people here will recognise Staring at a shadowy corner of your dark bedroom and sort of seeing the shadow expand and slowly occupy your entire field of Vision, completely blackening it: as soon as you focus your eyes, which they usually automatically do after while, it&#39;ll dissapear again. It&#39;s lovely weird, but very common.
      Luminous Spacious Dream Masters That Holographically Communicate
      among other teachers taught me

      not to overestimate the Value of our Concrete Knowledge;"Common sense"/Rationality,
      for doing so would make us Blind for the unimaginable, unparalleled Capacity of and Wisdom contained within our Felt Knowledge;Subconscious Intuition.

    19. #19
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      nEW yORK
      I saw that on Dateline or 20/20 a couple nites ago. It seems like a gift. Being able to taste music or feel a sound.
      "Its been proven that god doesnt exsist... Therefore he must exsist."
      Lucid Dreams Since Starting: 24
      Able to Control: 0


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