I have been keeping a dream journal for the past few months and have began to notice the returning dreamsigns, but my problem is i am having trouble becoming aware when i see the dreamsign.

Example:- In nearly all my dreams i tend to see my old friends from school, who i dont see anymore which to me is a good dreamsign, but you would think that when i see them i would realise i am dreaming but i dont i seem to just accept it for reality.

Does anyone else have this problem with dreamsign and if you do, do you know of any ways to get over this maybe a technique to help realise im dreaming when i see these ppl. Recently i have changed techniques from DILD's to WILD with no success due to lack of time to really try this, that is why i believe DILD's are my best bet but unless i get past the above problem i seem to be stuck at first base.

I would appreciate any suggestions as i am willing to try anything that has a slight chance of working!


Stay Lucid

DILD's: 1
WILD's: 0 Attempts: 3
VILD's: 0
MILD's: 0