I think its time for me to quit trying to do WILDs. Its just not working. I had it work twice but I am pretty sure they where just a fluke. I don't know why its so hard but I just can't do it. I have tried everything but it just wont work.

I really wish it did too because the two times it worked, was really great. I am tired of wasting all that time. Can lay there for 2 hours stright without getting any where near falling asleep. Its like, if I plan to do a WILD something just clicks in my head and I will never fall asleep. I have tried laying in the exact same position and thought of the same stuff, but not plan on doing a WILD, and I fall asleep fine. But then I just think "Ok I will try a WILD" and it wont work.

Anyone else have that problem? You just horribly suck at WILDs? Same goes for MILDs, except I am even worse at that.