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    1. #1
      Member Benjamin's Avatar
      Join Date
      Feb 2006
      Galt, California, United States
      So a couple of nights ago I was dreaming that I was driving around with my neighbor in his truck. So all of a sudden we were in some weird neighborhood that wasn't quite all there (From what I remember there were only like half houses and half a street etc...). So we kept driving and I somehow transfered trucks and was in a truck of full of naked women (Crazy eh?). So then I'm in there for a while and then it hits me. I'm dreaming. So I transfer myself back to my neighbors truck somehow, and he's just there. So we start driving to a construction site of some sort and I bet him that I can turn the clock in his truck backwards. This however was the turning point in which I lost my lucidity. It all just turned back into a dream, I just couldn't keep hold of it...any tips or help on this?

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    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jan 2007
      Griffin, Georgia
      Hey, Benjamin, and I know what you're talkin about because I've had the same thing happen to me before. My first few lucid dreams always ended abruptly after only a few seconds of lucidity, or I would revert back to a normal dream. But, after several of those, I was more able to stabilize my dreams and at the same time, stay lucid.

      What I started doing when I became lucid was to first stabilize myself in my dream to make sure I didnt just wake up instantly, after that, I unattached myself from the current dream sequence and performed impossible tasks, like flying for example, to keep my mind on the fact that this is not real...it's a dream. I figured that if you're performing tasks that are too realistic, or don't emphasize the fact that you're in a dream, an inexperienced lucid dreamer can easily fall back into normal sleep. It's really hard to go back to a normal dream when you're flying through the clouds in a vivid, stable lucid dream.

      One last thing, they say not to get too excited when you realize you're dreaming, and that's true. However, for me at least, if I'm not excited enough, I'll lose awareness and slip back into a regular dream. It's really a balance between not waking myself up, and not letting myself fall asleep....that's the best way I can phrase it.

      Anyway, good luck in your next lucid dream.

    3. #3
      Member lespaulsRcoo's Avatar
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      Atlanta, Georgia
      I have a sort of off topic question but when this happens to you, how can you be sure you were ever lucid. Did you just wake up and remember that you were? I've never been lucid so im just wondering how you would know-

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    4. #4
      Join Date
      Jan 2007
      Griffin, Georgia
      Quote Originally Posted by lespaulsRcoo View Post
      I have a sort of off topic question but when this happens to you, how can you be sure you were ever lucid. Did you just wake up and remember that you were? I've never been lucid so im just wondering how you would know-

      Well, lespaulsRcoo, the best analogy I can think of about becoming lucid is....you know how at school teachers can go on and on.....and sometimes you just zone out and think about other stuff while they're talking, then all the sudden you snap back to "reality".

      Well, to me that moment of snapping out of the zone is what it feels like when I become lucid. You know you were daydreaming, and now you know you're back to paying attention to what the teacher is saying...you might not even remember what you were just daydreaming about, but the fact is you know you're sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher talk.

      When I become lucid, spontaneously or through RC, I rarely remember anything that just happened in the dream. I just kinda "snap" into lucidity....or something like that ;D

      Hope that helps explain the feeling you might get when you have your first lucid dream, and good luck.


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