Hey Everyone,

It's me SpiritOfTheWolf again, back with another Tutorial..This time I decided to do it on Dreamscape's and what goes on inside your dreams, and what you may not even notice--that is effecting your ability to stay Lucid and get what you want, done...

I have been thinking about this for a while and have come to the conclusion to post it up on the forum (in the right part of the forum i might add )...

Basically when we all Lucid Dream we have something we want to do. If we want to fly, jump off a tall building, Find lost loved ones etc.. I think you get the picture, but there are some things inside your LD's that can keep you from achieveing whatever goal it is you have set for yourself....

Step 1: Attaining Lucidity

Obviously this is the first thing.. I questioned myself and asked if i should even take the time to put ATTAINING LUCIDITY up here, but for some beginners it might come in handy... When you become Lucid, you want to stay calm, I usually sit still for a few seconds, look at or rub my hands to make the vividness come in more, and examine my dreamscape......Dont go running off like a chicken with your head cut off just because you've gone Lucid.. Remember your attention, and what your goal was to achieve and tell yourself outloud in your dream.. "I am going to achieve this goal" and go ahead to try to achieve it..

Note: This next part depends on what your goal is and what it will take to achieve it...

Step 2: Dream Charecters And Their Interactions...

Alright this part can be a little tricky.. I had thought about this when I was thinking of a previous LD I had...By now everyone has passed Step 1 (that is a given) and you have your goal in mind...Now depending on what your goal is, you may not even know that you dream still distracts you, and ultimately can cause you to not achieve your goal..

Example: Imagine yourself in a mall or somewhere busy with lots of people...You suddenly realize you are dreaming and remember your goal you have made for yourself... You begin to walk around examining your Dreamscape remembering your goal and planning out exactly how its gonna go... All of a sudden out of the side of your view a DC walks up to you..

DC: "Hello.."

You stand there looking at the DC before you say anything...

YOU: "Hey, how are you doing?"

DC: "I am doing fine...I came up to you because I wanted to show you something... Would you like to check it out.....?"

You stand there with the offer the DC has given you...Thinking about the offer and what it maybe, you say yes and walk with the DC to have them show you, well nothing... You stand there confused wondering what the DC wanted to show you...

You: "Excuse me.. What was it that you were gonna show me?"

DC:" I'm sorry....I forgot...."

Without you even noticing it, the DC has distracted you from your goal.. Not on purpose.. But it was your decision to follow him and leave your attended goal behind.... You simply forget about that DC and continue on to achieve your goal.. All of a sudden you feel your dream start to slip, you rub your hands, look at your hands, but it does no good, you even Dream spin, only to spin yourself wide awake, and out of the LD....

DC's have a funny way of interacting with us, they can take us off course of what we were attending to do, make us forget about it, and then later when we remember about our attended goal, we end up waking up right before we achieve it..

My LD a few nights ago, I had gotten a book called INSTANT SELF-HYPNOSIS, it hypnotizes you as you read-- you can find the book on Amazon.com-- I had read the Lucid Dreaming part of the book and had an LD that night.. I was driving down the road at night going to work, until i realized, why am i driving to work this late? I became Lucid, and ended up getting in a car accident and soon a group of DC's surrounded me.. I talked to them for a lilttle bit, and asked them where I my find Anna... They pointed me to her house.. I started to walk over there to go inside to try to find Anna, and while i was at the front steps to the door a DC said , you better hurry, a second later my dream went black and i woke up..

Step 3: Distractions Amongst the DreamScapes...

There are alot of things that can Distract us in our LD's, Dream Charecters is just one... The simple fact of getting too excited will distract us and even wake us up.... The Dreamscape plays a big role of how your Dream will play out... I've noticed that my LD's have lasted longer when im at places i know.. Like my old house i use to live in, or at my job or even my old school.. Places that would cause me to be distracted or hesitant about whats going to play out, is dark places i have never been before, or DC's that just stare at you in a zombie looking way...

Example: I had an LD where i was at my grandfathers old lake house.. I had went inside the front door to see my G-pa sitting in a rocking chair staring at me like a zombie...It scared me outta lucidity because my Grandfather has been dead for 3 years now...

All in all you must pay close attention to what your Dream's hold... Pay attention to how your Dreamscape is.. Is it dark? or is it a happy calm place.. Because all of this will have an effect on how you feel inside your Dream.. If you feel scared chances are you may have trouble achieveing your goal.. If your in a gently flowing river listening to the birds and nature, your going to feel good, and chances are it will give you motivation to achieve whatever your goals are....

Dreamscapes constantly change in our LD's.. not because we make them, just because they happen..and they happen all the time.. You look one way then the other, then back, something is more then likely going to be different then what you saw the first time.....When this happens just focus yourself on your goal, dont let your Dream try and pull you back into it..... If you encounter a DC and it talks to you or keeps you held up for more then you like, just walk away or say "Hey i have to go now.." and continue on..

The strangest thing about the Decisions in LD's is that it has made me realize now that my decisions in life have a instant outcome...

Example: I work at a Restaraunt and I deal with alot of people...good, and bad.. Somedays we have angry customers and I really sometimes just wanna lash out at them and what not, but I basically just calm myself down, listen to what they say, and try to help them out.. And while this is all going on (while the customer is complaining about whatever is wrong) I think inside my head (You can go either which way..the choice is yours..)

When my manager asks me to pick up a shift or Run food to tables... I can go down one road where I say no and the food doesnt get run to the table and the customer gets angry (and if he asks me to pick up a shift) I could say No..and his reply would be "Oh ok...I understand.." But if i were to say yes.. it could be something like "Ok great DJ, thanks for helping us out!"

You see what I mean?

The decisions we make in our LD's are no different then the ones we make in real life.. Each of them have an outcome, and each of them will either help you with your goal or hindur your chances of achieveing them....

Step 4: Staying Focused On Your Goal

This is the last step of the tutorial and its prety much sums it up with the header... When you become Lucid and have a goal in mind.. dont let the changes of your Dreamscape and the harrassing DC's interfere with you achieveing your goals.. Stay Focused.. If you have to battle through a thousand man army to get to your goal, Focus on that, then celebrate after you achieved your goal.. but Remember one thing... Your Decisions in your Lucid Dreams takes you down 1 of 2 paths... One of the Paths is to the unknown...and the other path is to your attented goal, and a chance for you to maximize your Lucid Dreaming experience... In The end, just like waking life... The choice, is yours......

Thank you,
