I have been trying to do many RC's during the day, going for as big a quantity as I can (thanks to ivey for the suggestion). These are for the most part not "quality" RC's, I don't analyze all the reasons why I know it's not a dream, as I have done a lot of in the past, just an automatic finger-count, palm-poke, and nose-plug; then as soon as I remember I do it again. Kind of like a weird twitch. I am wearing my watch on the wrong arm to remind me and it works pretty well since I notice it all the time. I had a lucid, I guess it was Sunday night, the first day I started doing this (today is Wednesday).

Last night, before I went to bed, I was trying to decide what to read, and I feel like I have been neglecting everything but LD lately. I wanted to read something else, so I said, outloud to my partner, something like "Forget about it, I'm sick of trying, I don't even care if I have a lucid dream tonight!" (I got the expected response of "whatever, crazy lady").

Soo... I have the biggest night of LD I've ever had, with long lucids in which I remembered some goals, and successful dream re-entry, and WILD with vibrations, and multiple lucid FA's. To the point where I'm ashamed to say I yelled "No!" just to wake myself up. (See my DJ for details if you want.)

I am not sure what to learn from this: I don't know if it is the excessive RCing, or the denial of caring, or both. Maybe saying it out loud was important, I don't know. It is hard to isolate the variables.