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    1. #1
      Member thekroc's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2007
      It's amazing, these last two nights I've had my first two semi-lucid dreams, each lasting less than three seconds or so. What happened in both cases was that a dream character (the same in both dreams, actually. It was this friend of mine) told me to do reality check, because 'this is a dream!'. I then very excitedly did so, concluded that it was in fact a dream, felt an amazing rush of freedom, as if I'd been chained all my life, ran around a bit. It was so real, it was amazing! Then suddenly I became SO aware that it was a dream, that I though to myself 'if this is a dream, I must be in bed sleeping, not actually here running around'. After thinking this, the whole dream enviroment gradually (but quickly) became less realistic and I woke up in bed. This happened both times, last night, and the night before. It's so annoying! Last night I tried the 'spin around whenever the dream seems to fade away', but it didn't quite work. I was so close! Any tips? Thank you!

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      I believe as long as you are sure it is a dream it counts as an LD. Anyways Congrats

      Lucid Dreams: 1


      I just want to have an LD -.- how depressing hehe

    3. #3
      Member Jess's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      Quote Originally Posted by thekroc View Post
      concluded that it was in fact a dream, felt an amazing rush of freedom, as if I'd been chained all my life, ran around a bit. It was so real, it was amazing! Then suddenly I became SO aware that it was a dream[/b]
      That was a fully lucid dream....congratulations!!

      It faded and you woke up in bed. Hey, that happens.

      I think the more often you become lucid, the longer you'll be able to make them last.

      The only tip I can offer is, you said you were very excited and ran around, this is probably what cuts short your lucid dreams. Try to stay cool and take it in your stride?


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