• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      SKA is offline
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      Here, Now
      Okay this sin't a technique yet, but it is a good concept that may be furtherly develpopped and become successfull. An idea for which I was inspired by Rooj in my ''I'm just lying here'' Topic in this Board.

      Okay what I came to Realise is that there are Sounds we sometimes hear while asleep that DON't actually wake us up all the way, but it DOES make us aware...if only for a split second. I imagine how this can be used to become and stay lucid as you fall back asleep.
      The Sounds I mean are sounds you recognise. A sound like the phone ringing will be heard and recogised by you when you are asleep in the lighter stages of sleep: about the last 1 and a half hour before waking up.

      However when you hear the phone ring, or the doorbell, or any other recognisable sound You'll awaken mentallly while staying asleep. I've experienced this: I would hear the phone ring while sleeping in the early morning: My mom would allready be awake and I am always slightly aware of that while sleeping too: I hear her making noise in her room and downstairs. When the phone rings and I'm still dreaming I will hear it, Recognise it and realise I wont have to answer it cuz my Mom will answer it: this way I awaken Slightly but not Completely, and quickly drift back to deeper sleep. It wakes me up a little cuz I recognise the sound and know it is no Reason to wake up and get out of bed.

      Interresting to wake up half way, just enough to become aware, but not too much so you can easily stay ''under'' and fall back asleep into a Dream.

      These are some of the Sounds that Catch my attention while I'm sleeping lightly, while they don't wake me up abruptly:

      - The phone ringing when my mom's around to pick it up: When I'm alone in the house eventually it'll gradually wake me up anywayz.
      - The doorbell ringing when my mom is around to open the door
      - My mom's friends visiting and talking loudly downstairs: I sleep on the 2nd floor.
      - My mom waking up early and making noise: washing dishes, making breakfast downstairs..etc
      - My cats fighting or playing wildly around the house: making alot of noise on the stairs when they run.

      Maybe you people can think of some more sounds like these hat awaken you slightly, but don't stress you out of sleep and out of bed.
      Luminous Spacious Dream Masters That Holographically Communicate
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    2. #2
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      I slept in a swamp last week, lot's of noisy frogs. I actually enjoyed the sound, so sleeping with it was no problem.
      I remember a dream in which people were talking to each other, but they all made frog sounds instead of words, so I couldn't understand them.

      So here's another sound that gets through to your brain while dreaming, but doesn't actually wake you up.

      Could try playing a frog sound mp3 and do RC's everytime you hear a frog. But that's a lot like the hemi sync LD series, there they use the sound of rainfall.
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    3. #3
      Dreaming & Driving Phydeaux_3's Avatar
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      Anyone with small children in the house can probably identify with what you're talking about, I know that when our daughter started sleeping in her own room and I was "sleeping with one ear open" I was remembering tons of dreams, it seemed like I was dreaming every time my head hit the pillow AND remembering each and every one too. It seemed like I was extra-sensitive to when she would make a sound or cry. Of course I was sleeping like a cat, short naps and lots of them, up all night so to speak.

      » Phy³
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    4. #4
      Oneironaut Warrior DK Assasin Indy's Avatar
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      I remember I had my second lucid dream when I heard from bathroom running water (for a long period of time). It didn't woke me up, but it went to my dream, I was flying above the sea. This theory could work preety well.
      <div align="center">Everything is forgettable.</span></div>
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      <div align="left">Favourite RC: To pinch my nose
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    5. #5
      The Esoteric Copious taltho's Avatar
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      Here is not specifically defined
      What about setting a sound on a recorder and setting it to go off a say 3:30 am or whenever then use it specifically to become lucid? Something like your own voice saying your going to become lucid. Since its your voice it may seem as tho your talking to yourself. Hum I like this idea.
      Reality is only one moment away form right now is reality. Check... Dream Sign... Engage Lucid Dreaming!

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    6. #6
      SKA is offline
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      Here, Now
      I like the Idea of a sound recording set togo off during REMsleep in the early morning.
      But the sound has to be something you hear, recognise and remember as a sign to Stay aware and fall back asleep. You have to be able to do this in about 1 second so you can fall back asleep immediately. Everyone usually has these 1 to 3 seconds of wakefullness after each Dreaming period. If in those 3 seconds the sound is playing you might pick up on it and immediately fall back asleep consciously.

      You might have to train yourself to recognise that sound and it&#39;s meaning faster. Sounds like a Harp, Chimes, bells, wind, flute...etc soft sounds that allow you to fall asleep easily while calming your Mind. Ambient sound that you recognise in an instant uppon hearing it. I could recorn something with my Synthesizer perhaps. A "Lucid Tune" to play once I&#39;m in REMsleep.
      Luminous Spacious Dream Masters That Holographically Communicate
      among other teachers taught me

      not to overestimate the Value of our Concrete Knowledge;"Common sense"/Rationality,
      for doing so would make us Blind for the unimaginable, unparalleled Capacity of and Wisdom contained within our Felt Knowledge;Subconscious Intuition.

    7. #7
      Dreaming & Driving Phydeaux_3's Avatar
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      Try the chime sound that I uploaded, it&#39;s what I&#39;m using, I put together a wav file that has 1 chime every minute for 10 minutes & I just put that between my 2 favorite binaural induction files and at the end then I just set the 4 tracks to repeat all & it plays out like that all night. I never know what I&#39;ll be hearing when waking. So far, sadly, I still haven&#39;t "heard" diddly-squat at all in my dreams. I think the binaurals are working but I hear nothing. Gonna experiment with turning the volume up and up to see if maybe I can just muscle my way in. That chime for me is a perfect RC prompt, everytime I hear that I read my "Am I dreaming?" card.

      [attachment=488:chime.mp3] (intro from Rio Grande Blood by MINISTRY)

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      » Phy³
      --’‘ ’‘


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