This morning, I think I almost had a WILD. While I was laying on my side, I kept feeling this tingly feeiling and I couldn't move. I had also heard a swooshing sound. I'm pretty certain I almost WILDed, but I have one problem that kept me from going through with it.

The feeiling is so damn unpleasant for me. I kept shaking out of it and trying to let it come in "stages", slowly, so to speak, and I even saw STRONG HI, but I eventually chickened out and went to bed (but had an RC-induced dream, probably because of my fixation on LDing this morning). I've had this for quite a while. I get on the brink of it and there's just something so unpleasant (not scary, just uncomforatable or uneasy) that keeps me from going through with it all the way. Anyone else have this problem?