I present to you a new way to get answers to problems in your dreams it has some relation to dream incubation and MILD however, it to me seems to be like an undiscovered way to go about dreaming. I present to you:

S.I.L.D. - Story Induced Lucid Dreaming

Story Induced Lucid Dreaming is basically in a nutshell a way to follow up on your previous lucid dream(s). Answering questions you still may have that yo missed out asking or trying to put together from the previous night of dreaming.

For Example: Lets say I have a dream about something related to an aspect of my maturity let us say that after interpretation it says you still act immature and lets say I do not know how I act in an immature manner. Tonight I goto bed focusing on the theme of immaturity things that one may consider immature even if I had not done it. The following moring after interpretation I get back my results telling me I act immature because, I fart in public knowing that my flatuelence repels all and a variety of other things!

So basically in a step-by-step procedure:
1. Dream- Have a dream in which you want to know more about something...
2. Interpret- Interpret the response (if you get one)
3. Ask / Focus- Ask a more detailed question to follow up on the dream. Before going to sleep focus with all intent the theme or generalization of that detailed question.
4. Repeat- Until you have eithier answered the question / You Get a response / I you wish t go more detailed.

I would suggest that you be careful with this as you are picking apart a message from yourself. I am sure that you would not want to put yourself in an interrogation room with both you and you as the interrogator and interrogatee.