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    Thread: Zhine method

    1. #1
      Look away wendylove's Avatar
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      Zhine method

      I will see if using zhine meditation and another trick will make me have more lucid dreams. The first is just open eye mediatation, http://www.plotinus.com/zhine_tibetan_dream_yoga.htm I will try and attain ultimate zhine. This won't be easy, however I'm trying to change my thought pattern from words to conceptual thought(well, mildly).

      The next, and easier to do is always check reality, some people think this means just regarding everything as a dream however this is false. It means more then this, checking reality is designed to get rid off false reality. By constantly doing this i.e. reality checks(just looking around and questioning if it real) then you could attain wakefulness(Enlightenment, Note awake is a better term).

      Well, if anyone wants to try I have some tips;
      . Don't relax or try to relax during the meditation, instead focus more.
      . If you can do it sitting down, then stand up if you can still do it, walk and do it, e.t.c. Intill you can do this normally, all the time

      Yeah, so I am trying to see if I can do zhine meditation always. Wendylove with extreme focus, run

      Saying that Tibetan yoga is mostly crap, however thats like the whole of Bhuddhism, I hate the dalai lama so much.
      Last edited by wendylove; 07-22-2007 at 11:38 PM.

    2. #2
      stellar flotsam <span class='glow_808080'>cygnus</span>'s Avatar
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      You say that Tibetan yoga is mostly crap, and yet you are using zhine (calm abiding) practice.

      And as a Buddhist I am offended. The Tibetans had a culture that promoted understanding and exploring the dream world as a means to obtain enlightenment. Take a look at our western society and how it has marginalized the hell out of people like the Native Americans and Aboriginees who were so much more in touch with dreaming and Consciousness.

      The purpose of practicing zhine is to learn how to rest your mind in non-dual awareness. You start by watching your thoughts but not being distracted by them; you watch them arise from emptiness and return and recognize them as only thoughts and nothing more. The idea is to bring this awareness into every activity at which point you are essentially doing reality checks every moment during the day. The major realization is that all phenomena you perceive and your mind are the SAME THING.


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