Recently I've been having very low-control lucids. Many times I awake and don't remember that I was lucid until later in the day. I've been practicing for quite sometime and have been quite successful so I know exactly what is going on....low control/lucidity. Here's some examples of what I mean

I'm in a car with some people but it's more like watching a CSI show. I know that something bad is going to happen to this car where everybody dies. I'm in the car and I remember thinking, "I better stay focused because I want to see what happens when I die" I remember the car chase but then I somehow 'lost' the cars and found myself at a crossroads fixing broken blinds in an abandoned department store.

I'm thrown from some car or train or something and I'm saving this girl. She's topless and is thrown into a river as I dive after her grabbing around her waist. I think to myself, "it's getting dark in the water, I want to make it lighter but maybe the dream is ending" I'm then saved by some passing train and it turns into a "bourne identity" type scenario where I'm helping this girl find out why people are after her.

This has happened more than just twice and I'll wake up and say "I was lucid...WHY DIDN'T I REALIZE IT MORE!!" I feel like if something serious happened in my life I would observe it like a dream and be non-reactive.
I need advice. I've tried RC's left and right and still find myself not doing them in dreams when I'm already part lucid! It's as if my mind is so used to being lucid that it's not an excitatory state of consciousness anymore. Any commentary/advice/questions are appreciated.