Lately alot of people have been asking what my method is to attaining lucid dreams so i thought i would post it here so then if anyone asks again i don't have to explain it again, oh and to help you guys of course.

So here it is.

I go to bed as normal then after a few hours sleep (at least two and a half hours i would say) i get out of bed (this is the hardest part) and go downstairs. I then watch some t.v and do some awareness checks, (check my surroundings) i do this for about 10-15 minutes until i feel my mind is awake enough then i return to bed. I then repeat to myself over and over that i will realize that i am dreaming, and i also picture myself becoming lucid several times.

What happens then 9/10 is that i have a dild soon after.

The only times i can recall this technique failing is when i didn't perform the technique right, when i have performed it correctly i don't think it has ever failed to give me a lucid.

If you want to become lucid using this technique you have to have to fully believe it is going to work otherwise it probably won't. Every time i use this technique i 100% believe i will have at least one lucid with it (there is no way it can fail) and thats how you have got to approach it.

Finally this technique won't be for everyone, it depends how susceptible you are to autosuggestion, i am very susceptible to it and thats why this technique works so well for me.

It's nothing special really, just Wbtb and Mild combined but it's damn effective (for me anyway) and it might be for you too.