I've been trying to WILD for some time now and I keep getting hung up on the same sorta spot. I can usually attain what I think is sleep paralysis when i go completely numb in the body and don't feel like I could move. My mind starts to loop and travel from idea or scenario to another from what i've recently thought about or heard. However, right about here is my problem because I could feel a very vivid idea come about and feel as if I am going to get into a LD but then i snap back to reality and the vividness goes away. Then I try and start over with another idea/imagery/feeling for my mind. I can even get the falling feeling through my bed for nearly 5 mins and don't get anywhere. Everytime I attempt a reality check i'm clearly in reality even after vibrations and HI. I usually give up after 1.5-2 hours and try and DILD.

Does anyone have any pointers on how they actually induce a dream state in a WILD?