I realized I get much more closer to SP when I WILD in the early morning. I also noticed in the morning, that I have little else on my mind and don't get excited easily about the prospect of a successful WILD. Usually around 8:30 I realize that I'm too awake and whenever I try to do any LD technique, some kind of excitement or anticipation keeps me up and I just end up getting up for the day.

So, I think I may have realized why I have never gotten a successful afternoon WILD; I may not be relaxed enough. When I try WILD in the afternoon, I end up sitting there for 1.5 hours counting my breaths. When I try WILD in the early morning, I begin to feel heaviness, but I end up losing concentration.

I figure it's a lot easier to work on my concentration. So, those of you who have WILDed in the afternoon or do it regularly, how do you get yourselves relaxed to a nearly early-morning state?