

I read that 30-90 minutes for WBTB is the way to go.

However, I read the WILD tutorials and the "awake" period is suggested as much shorter (10 mins - after maybe a bathroom break and a few stretching exercises).

In my first WILD attempt Friday night I had very good results staying awake for 75 mins, staying awake to take supplements, affiramations, etc.

Last night I stayed up 60 mins for WBTB and read the tutorials during this period. I again had some good mini dreamettes but gave up as I had to cope with a lot of distractions. I couldnt stop swallowing - for some reason my saliva glands were working over time. My daughter had a sleep over and her and her buddy were still watching TV and giggling at 3:30am when I was trying to WILD. AND my wife was snoring like a trooper!

I am going to try WILD again tonight. SO what is best with WILD a shorter "awake" period or longer? Would I still take my WBTB supplements in this shorter window (L-glutermine, L-Theanine, Chorine) - or are these only helpful with MILD/DILD/DEILD?
