I am new to all this stuff, and only been trying for a few days, so I know I'm most likely a long way off from attaining lucidity.

However last night I had a strange dream. I actually hadn't put any effort into being lucid that night as I had a tiring day, but I had one dream in which I'm not sure if I was lucid!

I was at home going somewhere, with some people coming to pick me up. They came and when we left I realised I wished I had worn something else. We were stuck in traffic so I decided I had enough time to go home and change. When I was home trying to decide what to wear I realised I was holding everyone up, I looked awful and I had made a mistake in coming back! Then I suddenly thought, hang on I'm in a dream I can change it! I remember thinking, can I shout to my Mum and giving it a go (not sure why that would be a RC but it seemed relevant in my dream!), and also checking the lightswitch to see if it worked which of course it didn't. Then I thought I bet I can fly so I kind of jumped and managed to fly around a bit and thought it seemed cool but nothing amazing. I don't remember anymore after that.

The thing is although I did these things, I don't remember actually being in control.

It's hard to explain, but for me, and I suppose everyone, a normal dream is like a recording, you kind of watch it without having control or realisation. From what I understand in Lucidity it is like you are actually there because of the realisation and I suppose it must feel very different?

In this dream it didn't really feel different. I think because of reading so much about LD I dreamt I was doing it, but actually it was still the recording and I was still watching my dream without any realisation.

Does this make sense?

If this is the case, then I wonder, how will I ever realise I'm in a dream so I can become lucid! In this dream I thought about it and even did a reality check, but I don't think I was ever lucid dreaming - how will I ever really consciously realise and make the transition!