Hello. I have to ask as I really don't find any good answers to this elsewhere. I've been looking into the lucid dreaming for a while now. A friend of mine told me about it and we've both read and talked of it and find that we both really believe this. She hasn't had any proper experience with this yet.

But this post is basically about two separate occasions this week.
They both happened in the daytime, as I worked the evenings this week. Both times I lay down to just rest around lunch.

The first time I did not really dream anything but had some rather interesting physical experiences. The where trembling in the bed. First light, and then increasing. It felt like it moved on its axis, and I also kinda felt the presence of someone in the room. At some point I decide that " Okay! You want me out of the bed. No way! I wanna stay in bed!" In the end I was sure that the whatever stood close to the bed watching while the bed shook rigorously. That it was trying to throw me out of the bed.
To me, as far as I've read this sound like pretty standard sleep paralysis stuff. I have placed the movement to the bed and not my body but that naturally is not possible in the real world. I woke of a feeling of being thrown up and towards the wall, but was of course still in bed. Felt rather strange though.

Are this SP as I believe it to be, or something else? I did not try ant WILD or anything. Just happened.

Next time happened two days later. The dreams where really vivid and real. For the first time I called the bluff of the dreams and did not wake up as I realized I was dreaming. Therefore I was able to change the scene. Two times I did this. The dreams failed the reality check and I decided to move on. I did not decide where though. Did not try either. But the thing I'd like to know more about was the monumental physical experience that happened in the transition from one dream to the other. The last was extremely intense. Like the first multiplied by five or six. What happens is this:

I do a reality check, it fails, and I decide to move on. BOOM! I implode into myself. The "me" part is kinda weightless while the body is a hard shell. Either I am smaller or the body has grown. We don't quite fit anymore. I got stuck in my ribcage so I didn't really float freely. The body tingles and I really don't feel like I've got arms or legs. More like a entity that is bursting with sensations. It was like a, well, like a total body orgasm, sort of, or something. The thing is, it was really satisfying, not scary. At the same time i sense the world ( in the dream ) moving around me. In the dream I saw the world from above, in motion.

As I said, this happened twice in the dream, and as a transition from one scene to the next. But what happened? I've not read many people describing this, and the places where I read it put this in relation with SP.
Am I semi-awake in REM as I move into another dreamscene, yet fortunate enough to not wake up entirely as before and as a result get a kick and headrush from the SP as a bonus to at last finally be on the step of proper lucid dreaming? It was really cool! The sensation stay in my body for a long time afterwards. Tingly and a little trembling. Lighthearted and happy! Like a proper kick.

BTW. I don't do drugs or drink alcohol. This is my mind working without any artificial stimuli.

I am looking forward to in the future gaining more control of my lucidity, and may the dreams be more pleasant as well, but this was the first time it really worked.

What I really like to hear from you is about the physical part, but any input is welcome.