Hi everyone, in pratically every dream i have, there's this single dream sign: places mix up together. For instance, when I enter my bathroom door, it leads to a store in the mall. When I go up the school's hall's stairs, I'm suddenly at my grandma's house 2nd floor. I know those things are impossible, but it doesn't strike me that I'm dreaming. Once or twice I found out that I was dreaming, and I knew that I was dreaming during my whole dream, but I did not attain lucidity.

I stopped with my dream journal because of school, and I plan on continuing it now that I'm on summer vacation. But when I had it, I could remember around 3 dreams every night, and I recognized a few dream signs, like this one. Now I do not know how to proceed.

Any tips or hints would be welcome. I know my dreamsigns, but I only find out that I had this dream sign after I'm awake. And the day that I did discover that I was dreaming, I could not attain lucidity.

thanks in advance.