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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Aug 2008

      Question reverse blinking/WILD in general

      First of all, I should note that I've never successfully WILD'ed before (although I have had about 6 LD's in my life).Anyway, I have been trying reverse blinking to WILD the last few nights, and every time, about 5 minutes in, I have an overwhelming desire to swallow. It sounds ridiculous but I can't stop thinking about it, and I eventually I give in. So I was wondering if and to what extent voluntarily swallowing or doing other things like scratching affect the WILD process. Also, ways to avoid this would be great. Thanks

    2. #2
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      May 2008
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      Quote Originally Posted by magpies21 View Post
      First of all, I should note that I've never successfully WILD'ed before (although I have had about 6 LD's in my life).Anyway, I have been trying reverse blinking to WILD the last few nights, and every time, about 5 minutes in, I have an overwhelming desire to swallow. It sounds ridiculous but I can't stop thinking about it, and I eventually I give in. So I was wondering if and to what extent voluntarily swallowing or doing other things like scratching affect the WILD process. Also, ways to avoid this would be great. Thanks
      Physiological tests I call them. The body is testing you to see if you are actually asleep. If you respond, then you are obviously not sleeping, if you don't respond, your body assumes that the mind has fallen asleep and so the body will fall asleep as well. How to deal with the itching is difficult at first. Basically try not to give it attention. Drool if you have to. If you don't pay attention to an itch but keep your attention on relaxing your body and circulating lucid energy through it the itches will fade and you will enter the hypnogogic state and sleep paralysis.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Aug 2008
      I can get through the itching fairly easily its the swallowing that's the problem. I feel like saliva slips down my throat and its very weird and uncomfortable. But I guess it can cause no harm so I'll just try and push through.


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