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    1. #1
      I R goING to Lucidtize! UnknownTBeast's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2008
      Fredericksburg, VA

      Question CAT and insomniacs

      I'm back to the forums after a year hiatus and found a technique I didn't see before, the CAT method. It seems reletivly easy to do. But the problem is it requires you to have a scheduled sleep sytle already, I don't. If varys from night to night, but I tend to go to bed anywhere from 1 am to 4 am and wake usually from 1030 am to noon. Then it requires one to loose 90 minutes of sleep. It is very hard for me to wake up. If I am still tired, I will not get out of bed, unless it is required of me (for work for example). However the one thing it said to do is be mentally active once awake, I can do that. Once I am awake I am fully alert.

      So is there any chance of me being able to make this work? I do have great recall and I think I've found a dreamsign. And the whole WILD thing, it says if I wake up during the last 90 minutes, I should try to go back to bed or WILD. Yeah, I haven't the slightest idea on how to do that, and typically when I wake up I tend to need to use the restroom like most people, but this goes against the whole stay in bed rule.

      Any help would be great!



    2. #2
      I R goING to Lucidtize! UnknownTBeast's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2008
      Fredericksburg, VA

      Well I did listen to a few mintutes of the Subliminal Audio file
      ( http://www.dreamviews.com/community/...ad.php?t=55276 )
      And had a corolating dream. I was talking to some guy walking down the sidewalk and we were talking about dreaming. And after 2 minutes I told I had to go because I had only listened to the music file for about 2:30 minutes. Then the dream got wierd and completely off track. I was not lucid, but I was able to have a conversation with the "audio file man".

      I also tried to do dream paralysis, but I fell asleep. But I will try tonight.

    3. #3
      freefire FreeOne's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      CAT works best with a steady sleep cycle already, because if you have a steady sleep cycle, you will be dreaming at around the same time every day. and this technique assoicates that specific time with doing RCs. I would definately make sure you have a steady sleep schedule before you start this technique. but that shouldnt be too hard. Just try to go to sleep and wake up at around the same time for about a week.
      Total lucid dreams=88
      LD goal: Master WILD

      spam link removed
      ^that site is a great way to make extra cash.


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