I am new to the board but am quite a frequent visitor. I never was actually on a quest for lucidity but first stumbled upon Astral Projection. It sounded quite interesting and I practiced the exercises. Needless to say I didn't achieve the results exactly and then I stumbled upon this site. The techniques and sound of each experience sounded familiar and so I decided to incorporate the dream journal and awareness exercises. The awareness exercises I'm not sure helped much but soon I began LD'ing just recently and today attained a full Astral Projection using WILD.
I know not everyone believes in AP and I'm not sure even if I do but I suggest if you are trying to achieve one or the other (LD) try combining the ideas and practices of each and I'm sure, like me, you'll find the best of both worlds. Granted I'm far from perfecting this but the progress I've made in the last week alone since incorporating the dream journal is ground breaking to say the least. Good luck!