usually people complain only about length of lucid dreams and about the dream-control that's available, some noobs also complain about dream-recollection and how aware they are in the dream about it actually being a dream. all those problems are addressed nicely in various articles and texts. but I have a complaint that hasn't been addressed anywhere although I have observed it also in many dream-journaly. obviously people don't see it as problematic or "bad":

many of the dreams I enjoy having are triggered by me, in a lucid dream, turning on a tv and watching the normal program or some recorded films. another commonly pleasant type of dream is about my waste of good ld for playing computergames or chatting over the internet in the dream. also libraries are common ld-wasters. then one day I had a lucid dream where a dream-character led me to a dream-doctor for examination (since in past dreams I have suffered some severe damage). after my examination I asked the dream-doctor a particular question, and so he asked me for permission to make a demonstration (for a fee). he moved his arms around my neck so the hands were behind my head close by my brain-stem. then something made click and suddenly my whole perception has changed without actually changing. before there was a large plasma-tv in the room with all bells and whistles one could imagine, but after this treatment this tv turned into a simple crt tv of rather small size. similarily the computer in this room toned down. at the same time also other things in the room did gain in size and importance for me, everything in this room was suddenly equally important/unimportant. then I realized it, all this tv-watching and computerplaying, even my reading of books, all that wasn't the real me, it was an alien presence in my dream-body's head which caused me to do all these things. or rather it didn't cause me to do them, it still was my own decision based on my own preferences, it merely nudged those things into foreground so I wouldn't pay attention to anything else. and the doctor confirmed that the connection to that alien lifeform has been severed by him but will regrow soon. according to him all people of my species have that, from birth till death. rarely any human ever manages to get rid of it. imho it's strange nobody ever noticed it before, how we all waste our lucid dreams for doing all the same things over and over again, giving away that valuable ld-time for things that differ from eachother only minimally any maybe only differs in terms of permutation of things. somehow in our lucid dreams the desire to experience new and exciting things does not exist.

now the notion of an alien parasite inside of the dreaming-self's head sounds a bit paranoid, but the full story is even a bit more severe. the question I asked that doctor before this treatment was about problems I have in my awake state, in real life. so obviously the doctor did believe there to be a connection between that parasite and my problems in the real world. obviously it isn't just the dreaming-self who is infected but the waken self too is subject to that parasite which persumably lives in a body-part that dreaming-self and waken-self are sharing -- the human mind. the problems I complained about in real life was a slow decay of my memory, so to say. not in the form of dementia, not even as forgetfulness, just a gradual loss of emotions I felt in past, a gradual loss of enthusiasm for things that aren't as gratifying as others. hard to express now, especially since I forgot about the actual words I used towards this doctor, but basically, on afterthought, the very same thing that happened in the dream through this parasite also is happening in reality, just on a more mental plane. i.e. it isn't a tv-set that becomes bigger in my real life, it is particular thought-patterns that are somehow growing bigger in my mind through that parasite. I still do see everything, my perception of my thoughts isn't impeded, I merely see somethings more clearly than others. that other people didn't notice that seems to imply that the parasite somehow prevents us from noticing its work. so it isn't that far-fetched to also assume that it would be smart enough to alter its strategies if I would stop following the predominant thought-patterns. it is even very likely that everybody who somewhere reads about a person discovering that parasire, like for example this posting here, will get strong feelings and dominating thought-patterns that distract from actually considering this parasite's existence to be true, maybe leading to fear and disgust with the article. I guess even asking those readers if that reaction is typical for their psyche wont help to raise the popularity of this thread...

anyway, soberly seen this parasite has 3 objectives: it must prevent us from noticing its existence and sort of is afraid when we do, it doesn't want us to experience new and exciting things in our dreams or in our meditation, and it obviously does serve each of us individually to make our lives as pleasant as possible in that it makes us indulge mainly into activities that we enjoy indulging in. this behaviour is much alike of a farmer towards its cattle. also the farmer wants the animals not to notice they get "farmed", and also the farmer is alike to a god putting into focus all the pleasant things there are for the animals so they don't even try to break out of that slavery. the desire to experience new and completely different things is probably our real wish for freedom from that slavery, so the parasite must turn away our heads from such desires. it makes the world at large much more conservative than it could have been without it, it basically is against any kind of progress. but its influence on us is so marginal that we really cannot blame it for our lack of progress, especially since there actually is progress of technology and such. it's just a nudge and not a push. also quite obvious is that this parasite must have been responsible for most of our spiritual progress in religions and whatever visions we get with meditation. at least many religion talk of a benelovent entity that makes sure we have a good life, and the desire for stagnation mainly comes from religions. similarily many visions I ever heard of people getting in their meditation fit nicely into the pattern of a higher entity contacting us to reveal that all people are connected through a network of those parasites that work together to give us what we want in our lives, that pulls together people who are supposed to be together and that pushes apart people who are better off not influencing eachother. especially the idea that part of us will live on after death practically forever, at least much longer than the universe we live in, this whole idea is the perfect description of that parasite, as is the idea of reincarnation. the parasite just gives us all personality, it bends us since birth throughout our whole development like the restraints a gardener might put around his plants do. our whole thinking is sort of made easier through that parasite as it will infallably tell us what is important to us, it points out to us what we must know in the same way as it points out the existence of a tv-set in my dreams. the parasite with which we live in symbiosis and around which our whole society has formed, that parasite is taking over all the hard work that thinking is supposed to form.but as I learned in my lucid dreams, such services never are for free, there always is a price we must pay. in my dreams that price is either my waken-self's health and energy or some services I have to provide in my lucid dreams eventually (mostly some particular emotion I am asked to develop, but also some stories I have to tell about my real life).as I mentioned in the beginning, the price we have to pay to the parasite obviously is about some sort of memories on emotions we had in past, memories we would "lose" anyway because of them getting buried under a whole pile of other emotions. at least it's a loss people usually don't notice, a loss of memory that is noticable only if we would try to systematically remember, a pattern of memory-loss that is too regular to be coincidence...

so I think it is very clear, assuming that parasite exists we should ask ourselves if we actually want to get rid of it, if we are ready to give up the comfort and wish-fulfilling it does provide for us. do I really want to stop dreaming of various films and games that are totally alien to my waken self, or do I rather want to become an artist who inspired by such dreams makes a fortune selling ideas from parasites for parasites? do I want to experience new and exciting things or do I rather want to experience things of which I know for certain that they are what I really like to experience? do I want to think for myself or will I pay with a seemingly worthless currency for that thinking-aid (which is much alike to the thinking-aid our media already provide, as the media of course are dominated by that artist-supporting parasite)?