Hey there everyone, i am new here as i finally decided it would be a good time to share some experiences and to create a tutorial on a new technique i call dream tearing.

I'll try to make this as brief as i can and hope anyone can give me their inputs on this story as id greatly appreciate any comments.

So to begin, im 18 now and have experienced many dreams in which i was able control and even 'tear' into, to create nightmares. bare with me as i will not explain too much how i did it (tutorial on the way).

So this is the story:

I came home late after a long weekend of partying and what not. it was late, i was tired, therefore going to sleep wouldnt be much of a big deal for me. i went to grab a glass of milk from the kitchen and drank it before heading to sleep. as soon as i laid down and started to analyze my day playing volleyball, my body would twitch and react to the thoughts i was having (ball hitting my leg in my thoughts, my leg would twitch in reality, ball hits wrists, my arms would slightly twitch, i was still aware i was awake and just thinking the day over). This, i'm sure is common for the majority of the people to experience and is just a reflex the brain has with the body. This is irrelivant to the experience i had later on that night...

I had many dreams that night that would change scenes however i was unable to make out any Dream Sings in the scenes until one finally hit me. i was in the kitchen with my dad listening to him talk as i usually remain silent in my dreams. I approached the fridge to grab a glass of milk when i heard an unusual laughter come from my dad. Some old evil laugh. that was my first clue it had to be a dream. Then i went to pour the milk in my glass and i realized it was old and sour. This could not be possible as i had just drank a glass of fresh milk before i slept...

Controlling the dream:

Knowing i was in a dream i knew very well that i would soon have to wake up as i am not as experienced as some of u out there. I decided to tear the dream before i woke up as i disliked the scary scene in the kitchen.

Dream Tearing:

To put this brief, this technique involves focussing deep into ur senses and channeling that ringing sound we all can hear just before we sleep (when its quiet). When zoning into the ringing sound in our ears and deep inner self, the approaching sound will become louder and louder and soon unbearable to the point that ur body will slighlty begin to shake/twitch at the ferocity. Perhaps this may be extreme or just the last stage of sleep, REM when ur body experiences "frequent bursts of rapid eye movement, along with occasional muscular twitches".

This sensation i just discussed is perhaps the most commonly experienced fealing just before u wake up from a nightmare. An example would be the loud sound of a train coming to hit u which is in fact coupled with the increasing volume experienced in our senses which makes the nightmare feel even more real, perhaps. (please excuse my elementary knowledge of the senses and feel free to explain what this sensation is if ur aware of it).

The whole point of dream tearing is to reach the stage of the nightmare in which u have just realised the threat of the nightmare and instead of waking up u decide to remain in this state. This is the point where ur body is experiencing continuous shock and cunfusion. A good example of dream tearing would be controlling the train so that it never hits u or perhaps it does but it goes right through you. In my case there was no threat but the sheer intensity of the ringing was enough to frighten me.

As i began to tear at the dream, the ringing sound became louder and more closer, the kitchen began to stretch with the dream and everything became distorted to the point where the black background tore through the dream. The deep ringing sound caused my whole body to shake rapidly for about 5-6 seconds as i tried to fight the newly created nightmare and stay in it and tear it to pieces. I felt my head sweat just a bit before i realised i was slowly waking up. my hands were naturally brought to my chest as i began to shake a bit more, fighting the urge to wake up and trying to stay in this nightmare sensation for as long as possible.

It became unbearable to the point where i wouldn't know what would happen if i stayed in this position any longer. I let go of the dark empty nightmare and released the ringing as my eyes began to twitch. My eyes opened immediately after as i gasped for air, beginning to focus at the ceiling... my hands were still near my chest and there was a light emiiting through the creek of my door. There was a face staring at me with his hand reaching out to my chest and he slowly turned away and faded into the darkness...

...He faded away in about 5 different frames. (1st pose was him really close, reaching out with his hands, frame 5 was his back completely turned and in the distance floating away into the darkness).

Many ppl have shared their opions with me and have come up with some different theories to what the figure was.

Examples: God protecting me, Devil reaching out for my soul, some ghost. etc..

It is hard to say this was just some post dramatic event as i really felt like i was going somewhere in the nightmare, just in complete darkness.

I woke up around 4:30 and had an anxiety spell of the devil for the rest of the night though i knew the next day id laugh at this dream and realize how foolish i was to purposely scare myself the way i did. 2 days later i figured id share this to all of u and hear what u guys have to say.

As soon as i have permission given i will post a small tutorial up for tearing dreams if any of u are interested in exploring nightmares.