When I was in about 4th or 5th grade I had the first of three dreams. Each dream was the same and the last time I had one was middle school. This is the only dream I have ever had where I could vividly see everything around me, I could touch, smell, see the horizon, look up at the sky and feel the cold air. However I do not consider it lucid because I did not realize I was dreaming until about 2/3 the way through it. Also I was unable to control it even though I felt like I was shouting at my dream self. It started out with my childhood friend and I walking home from school when it was dark outside. We were talking and laughing as usual. As we got closer to my home I smelled something burning and the cold air began to feel warmer. I then saw a red jeep in the ditch. It looked like it had been burning, it was charred and smelled awful. It's top was down and as I got closer I could see there was a man (presumably dead) sitting in the drivers seat. He was very tall, thin, pale/grey skin, gelled short dark curly hair and was wearing a suit and expensive shiny shoes. I got the feeling that the suit was important. In the dream my friend and I kept walking and did not say anything to anyone or even each other. We acted as though everything was normal. At this point my dream looped back to our starting point; walking home from school etc. To my friend and I in the dream it was as if we were seeing it all for the first time but this time it was more like I was watching them and trying to shout at them to get someone to help. They reacted the same and did not hear me. For a third time the dream looped, except this time when we got to the jeep it was blue and there was a grey dog in the back seat (presumably dead). My friend and I now freaked out ...except we were concerned for the dog and showed no concern for the man. We ran inside my home. Next thing I knew there were police all over our property putting up tape and saying we had to leave we can't live there anymore.

Once again I had this dream three separate nights each one with the three loops.

I am now 21 and have always felt that dream was important and trying to tell me something. A few months ago a Co-worker of mine asked me about joining his families resale business team. When I got the call I felt a nagging feeling that it was important for me to go. I went was disappointed to find that it was an amway or World Wide Dream Builders meeting not a small family business. They then had a speaker come I thought he looked familiar but I couldn't place him. I do remember him mentioning getting new shiny shoes to someone. Later I realized he's the only person I've met who looked exactly like the man from the dream. I think I didn't recognize him at first because his skin was not as pale and dirty (from being dead and in a car accident) as in the dream. His suit now also makes sense because everyone in WWDB wares suits and tries to dress as sharp as possible.

I really feel as though I ought to find him and warn him. But it seems there is no way of doing that without seeming crazy. Part of me wonders if I am crazy. I think back to my high school psych teacher "A dream is a dream, that's it". However I've had a couple of other precog dreams and moments that turned out to be exactly what I thought. I feel ashamed to think I wouldn't act because it would make me look crazy.

I am unsure if I am crazy and if it is the time to warn him or if I ought to wait.