
Gaining overwhelming energy

I have been encountered by many people seeking an increase in their energy. I find it simple, but others find it hard to do. I myself have never been able to do a kinesis, but I have friends (kid thunder and k kid) who can testify to my strategies. Okay, the problem is that you are trying to take the energy you use to make constructs and start with kinesis’ from your own body. This leaves you exhausted and sometimes even sick because you end up draining your life energy. Your charkas end up getting drained dry and that’s very dangerous.
My suggestion for solving this is to understand that energy (psi, ki, chi, and others) are all the same, and they come from one source (hyperspace in scientific terms). In comparison to the rest of the universe, hyperspace is like the pacific ocean to all the matter in the universe, which is like a single electron. In comparison, hyperspace is HUGE. So draw your energy directly form hyperspace, not yourself. Remember, it’s like taking a balloon, drawing air through tiny holes (the air will be psi energy). Draw it from the source, not the bubble. If you draw it directly from hyperspace, you will never get sick or drained of energy. In fact, with some extreme practice, you can even use this energy to do huge things, like programming it to sustain you natural energy level at a higher step.
