• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Mar 2006

      what could it be?

      i dont wanna bore u guys with a long post so basically the concept is this:i had four dreams when i grabbed a person from the shoulder he turned his head and all i could see was his mouth.he had the shape of the head but it was all shadow.I could only see his smiling and he always said to me"do u wanna know the secret?"and then the dream would fade.The dreams were different but always ended up finishing like this.If u wanna know the dreams read below:

      ok so i had this dream like a week ago that i was at home and suddenly a laser popped out at the wall.It went down to my face.I saw out of the window and there was a guy(dressed in counter-strike police with a gas mask and all)possibly SWAT trying to hit me.So i go immediately down and he hits the wall.Then other people come out(this guy was standing in the building next in front to my house)they all start shooting at me.But i avoid the bullets standing down.Then hundreds of them come from the door.Destroy it and come in.Anyway i get up and get past them.They werent shooting now.I suddenly go into a room with one person inside.the room was dark and this person was seating in front of a PC.I put my hand on his shoulder and then he looks at me smileing.And he says:do u wanna know the secret?"i couldnt see his face.It was covered in shadows all i could see was his smile.Then i wake up.I didnt care much about this until 2 days after this i made another dream.

      I was in a street and it was dark but there were people around.They were dressed like homeless but after the dream finished im pretty sure they used it as a cover-up.Suddenly I notice more and more homeless in the street.They were looking at me and were many of them but I just decided to go on.Then suddenly one of them shot and killed someone.I tried to run away but another one got in front of me.He was pulling out the gun while I ran the other way around.I passed the one who shut first and was running as fast as I can.Then I saw many of these people killing anyone they met.They tried to shot me too but I evaded them.After I had passed them I met with a friend and he was running too.I don’t remember what he told to me but it seems like he had to save someone so he went back into that hell.Then I got to my quartier and all the people were in the biliardo including my father and other friends.They didn’t know what had happened.I explained to them but they laughed and didn’t belive me.Then I said to open the TV and see and so thay did and it was on TV the news already.Then i notice the same guy on the biliardo smiling at me and saying"do u wanna know the secret?"

      the next dream(dont worry these two are shorts)
      ok i was in this field.It was tall yellow grass.I was running cos i was trying to catch someone.Finaly i catched him and grabbed him from one shoulder.And guess who it was?yes the shadow person.he said the same things and then the dream faded.The fourth dream was the same only that i had a false awakening and i got to my mother telling the dream and she wondered what the secret was.

      anyways these dreams are starting to get anoying.I dont wanna have dreams like these but im wondering if i will have them till i know the secret or become lucid and kill the person but first forcing him to tell me the secret.Anybody any idea what those dreams mean?

    2. #2
      Member Gwendolyn's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2004
      Love Street
      This should probably be moved to interpretation.
      Shine on, you crazy diamond!

      Raised: The Blue Meanie, Exobyte

      Adopted: MarcusoftheNight

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Mar 2006
      k sorry about this.I didnt know where to post it


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