for those who have experianced an OBE what plane did you reach

THE ATMIC PLANE - The oneness, the light... God.

THE BUDDHIC PLANE - I'm sure its virtually impossible for an astral projector to travel this high, beyond the grasp of human minds to describe and appreciate.

THE MENTAL PLANE - Here you break free of your former bodily trappings, creativity and free thought flow like water. Its extremely difficult for an astral projector to reach and very difficult to spend any length of time here. (This state might be linked to Passive lucidity).

HIGHER ASTRAL PLANE - "Summerland" heavenly peace. This is a very difficult plane for an astral projector to reach.

MIDDLE ASTRAL PLANE - Somewhat like our reality, souls here are rehabilitated, universities and centers of learning abound.

LOWER ASTRAL PLANE - Very close to our physical world, those who have passed over but continue to cling to their physical life can be found here.

THE PHYSICAL PLANE - The world we experience in waking life, made up of slow vibrating matter.