So one of my last post was about how i have been having precog thoughts....This was another one i couldnt ignore.

In the past two days alot of signs started popping up about me not drinkig and driving or riding wiht anyone who had been drinking. First my friend sent me a message on facebook saying if i ever needed a ride while i had been drinking to call him. Then i went to omy myspace account my other friend posted a bulletin saying dangers of drinking and driving. It had pictures of people who didnt die but were not looking good... So i think thats wierd.

Then i get a friend request from someone i dont know so i go to look at there page. When i go to her page only the background worked...but it was still freezing my computer. The background though was a pic of a highway at night...I tried maybe 5 times to go to her page and the same thing kept popping up so i stopped a sent her a message asking what was wrong wiht her page.

So at this point i decided i wanted to go out. I called my friend to come get my and then we went out. Right before i left i got a call from my mom saying dont get in the car with anyone who has been drinking.....she never says that and she made me promise i wouldnt. I said ok and left. The night went by by smoking some weed and just hanging out.No body had really drank. I did get a ride home from my friend who had 2 beers but i know thats not enough to fuck him up. And i said i will give you gas money to not take the highway home and he agreed.

So i get home and decide to seng that girl another message asking why her background was a pic of the highway. Then i went to sleep. I woke up the next day and read the message she said..and it said "it wasnt" and i sent her another message and havent gotta a reply yet

PS i also forgot to say that a few nights ago i had a lucid dream where i had to run between my store i work in and another company store to get something. The managers never ask you to do that cause most people there have cars. In fact im sure they never have asked anyone to do that. They are only about 6 blocks away from eachother so it wasnt too bad though.