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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Aug 2007

      Predicting your future through dreams...

      Hi last night i had a dream, it was a long one but at some point I met some old woman that wanted to predict my future.

      She said I've had many problems in my life, but in the future everything will be allright, (and some other stuff wich are personal).

      So my idea is for you masters of LD to dream about going to someone that can predict your future ........

      I believe DCs can really do that!
      Do you???

    2. #2
      Member jankai's Avatar
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      Apr 2006
      well i have done that before in a dream but i have only done it once. At first i didnt really think much of it as i was young but a few years later it happend.

      I dont really have very much to say on this one as i havnt really thought of it but i do look at my DJ every now and then to see if there is anything which is happening in my life which could have somthing to do with one of my dreams which i had.

      Its one of them things in life where there is probaly some way of explaining it but in my eyes there isnt. It just happens. I would love to see some one give this one a reason for it happening as this has puzzled me for a while. dont no if this helps or not wooooo 10 years LDing

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Aug 2007
      wow.. I dont wanna post much about this but the thing that she predicted happened today.. oh myyyyyyyy GOD.
      whoa you guys probably don't believe me but I dont really care

    4. #4
      Dream Walker Achievements:
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      tell us, some members do care. Any yes' ive tried it before with little sucess. But then a gain I only did that once.

    5. #5
      Here, now Rainman's Avatar
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      If it did accurately reveal a future event, it was because you (and really everyone I think) is telepathic to some extent, even if it's only on a subconscious level. If you learn how to use that skill, you could get better at it.

    6. #6
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      Nov 2005
      Quote Originally Posted by Rainman View Post
      If it did accurately reveal a future event, it was because you (and really everyone I think) is telepathic to some extent, even if it's only on a subconscious level. If you learn how to use that skill, you could get better at it.
      I've had a theory sort of different from the telepathic part and wonder what you think of this theory. Could reality beside our own be the cause of it? Kind of like if that world is on a different time setting or some how we are interacting with it.

    7. #7
      ex-redhat ClouD's Avatar
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      taken from=
      The Akashic Records
      These are found in the buffer zone between the astral and mental worlds, part astral part mental and, in a way, extending into all levels. They are a record of every thought and event that has ever occurred, like a huge, infinite, mental history, picture book. The Akashic records also contain probabilities stemming from, and created by, past events, actions and thoughts. This is like looking into the future. To make any kind of sense of the Akashic records yourself, some skill in clairvoyance is a definite help.

      If you tune into the Akashic records yourself you will normally see those events with the greatest amount energy around them. Wars and disasters are the easiest to see because of this. The energy surrounding these events make them stand out above all the rest, making them easier to see. If you look into the future, the area of probabilities, you enter into a confusing maelstrom of symbolism mixed with actual events.

      This future symbolism is caused by the belief systems of the major religions. Millions of people in the world have believed in some form of prophecy for thousands of years. Whether it is the Bible's "Book of Revelations" or the prophecies of Nostradamus. These ancient prophecies are all richly steeped in symbolism. This symbolism affects the way people think and dream about the future. This symbolism, in turn, manifests in the Akashic records as symbolic representations of future events. The symbolism is a big help, it makes consulting the Akashic records easier.

      You can use the Akashic symbolism as an index. For example, the reference below to "The Dogs of War" is easily understandable as representing war. The "Grim Reaper" is a universal symbol of death and destruction. So, if you are interested in this kind of future event you tune into this symbolic index for WAR, then browse through the category of past and future wars. Apart from some clairvoyant ability, a knowledge of history, geography, religious symbolism, current affairs world leaders and heads of state is a big help; when indexing past and future events.

      For example, in the future vision I give below: If I had known WHO the well known person I saw addressing a crowd below WAS, and recognised the country; I could have made an accurate prediction of future events instead of being wise, AFTER the event.

      I entered the state of consciousness called the Akashic records. There I was inundated with a mass of symbolism. I was seeing in four dimensions at once. My conscious mind did not assimilate this very well. I saw wars, famines, plagues, disasters, earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, plane crashes, murders, etc, it was terribly confusing and depressing.

      I saw one piece of symbolism I recognised though and tuned into it, indexed it. The Grim Reaper holding The Dogs of War (as described by various prophets) These dogs were fearsome beasts with Red eyes and slavering jaws. They were held in check by this hooded figure, with an evil skull for a face, carrying a sickle. He released these dogs as I watched, symbolising a coming war.

      Tuning into this scene, I was there floating above it all, I could feel the sunshine and smell the city below me. I saw a man standing on a raised dais, under two giant scimitar swords. He was giving a charismatic speech to many thousands of people. One of the swords turned into a Christian Crusader's broad sword. The man was Saddam Hussein, the scene was in Baghdad, at the monument to the unknown soldier. I saw this six months before the Gulf war started. I did not learn WHO Saddam Hussein WAS, or WHERE this scene took place though, until it was televised during the gulf war.

      Looking through the Akashic records is like leafing through an infinite mental photo album. You are bombarded with an awesome array of the sights and sounds of past, present and probable futures. You have to select one of these thought records, tune into it and enter it. You will then live through the record as if you were really there, watching it as it happens.

      Consulting with the Akashic records can be done alone if you have the skill, but is normally done with the assistance of an advanced being from a higher level of existence. This is done as a sort of telepathic guided tour. The enormous amount of information and chaff is filtered out for you and the selected record, of past events or future probability, is presented to you clairvoyantly, via a telepathic link with the... librarian.

      Some people claim to have entered the Akashic Records and found something like a library there, with real books. The past, present and future was recorded as text in these books. Some people even say they have read a record, then entered into it, and experience the record first hand.

      All these claims are consistent with the Akashic Records. These are librarian assisted guided tours, where the Akashic Records have been presented as something familiar, easy to use and easy to accept.
      you should read mor on the site.
      You merely have to change your point of view slightly, and then that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light.

    8. #8
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      Quote Originally Posted by muhlio View Post
      wow.. I dont wanna post much about this but the thing that she predicted happened today.. oh myyyyyyyy GOD.
      whoa you guys probably don't believe me but I dont really care
      Actually I used to have it happen, but it was in a different way. In middle school I had a event happen even to the point where the converstations were the same. The funny thing is it was in elementry school when I had the dream and i didn't know anyone at the time, but I actually had a very good dream recall even back then.

      While I worked I had another event that played out like a scene from a movie. At first I didn't understand any of it because it just seemed like a normal dream then the scene happen and I remembered the dream.

      The other thing I used to have happen a lot in dreams is I would start to see text scrolliing down objects in the dream. The text started to match real life events. I can't prove any of this and I will be the first to say I'm not physic.

    9. #9
      Member frank_online's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by muhlio View Post
      Hi last night i had a dream, it was a long one but at some point I met some old woman that wanted to predict my future.
      She said I've had many problems in my life, but in the future everything will be allright, (and some other stuff wich are personal).
      So my idea is for you masters of LD to dream about going to someone that can predict your future ........
      I believe DCs can really do that!
      Do you???
      Hm, it might be possible that you've just met your spiritual guide. Did she give you her name? If you ask it will come to you. You can even do it while you are awake. Some time later it'll just pop up in your head, and you'll 'know' that it's hers.

      When I met mine, she gave me a letter which contained a lot of stuff about my life and my future. It was an LD, and I could read the text very clearly, even go back and re-read some sections. Most of it wasn't meant for me to remember consciously, but when I woke up I had this strong feeling of safety, like as if I'd been reassured of that everything was in order, and that I'd been prepared for things to come.

      / Frank
      Try to think outside your brain.

    10. #10
      The Supreme Echelon Absolute's Avatar
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      I have yet to have a unique experience with a spiritual guide, APing, or Dream Sharing, but I know in time that I will experience such. I can only imagine how fascinating it must be for you people.
      -Absolute Wisdom

      "Life is much like a barren road. You can choose to leave it and end up in a deserted wasteland, or you can follow the road to see what is beyond the horizon."


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