Ok, so lately my Wild attemps haven't quite turned out like I want it to, but the results are interesting. Now, the way I like to wild (when I have time) is to go to bed at like 7 o'clock, wake up at midnight, chill with my room mate that never goes to bed, and go back to sleep at 1 or 1h30. I'm calling it wild but thats not really what it is. I just fall asleep normaly, and that way I remember most of my dreams and they are more intense (I can't really lucid on demand yet) But I had 2 "experience" on 2 different nights that don't really fall into the dream category.

(1) I was in my bed and slowly started floating up. I couldn't move my body but I could look down at myself and see my body. I was made of light!!! WTF. I was a mixture of reds and oranges and yellows that seemed to flash really fast. Then I fell into a real dream.

(2) I was in my bed and I could feel the waves of SP(I had been sleeping for a while, it wasn't sp), and I could feel somebody teaching me to levitate. (it was clear in my mind that I was trying to levitate) I could PULL(with my arms???) on the wave that was going through my body to lift myself up in the air. At first I wasn't good at it, my legs would go up but not my head, or my butt would go up and nothing else... but then I got it and flew in my room like I was some sort of piece of paper. And I went to the other side of my room in front of a mirror, and I could NOT see myself in it!!! then I saw through the wall and into my room mates room where a light was lit... I floated back to my bed and it ended...

I really don't know what to think, I'm a scientific person and I'd like to think those are dreams but.... thats strange. What could it be???