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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Mar 2008

      Titania's Boon ...

      Last night I was in 3rd person watching Chris Griffin and his father (who in this case, wasn't Peter Griffin, but Beast from Disney's 'Beauty and the Beast') in what was like a still frame comic. Now, I've never recalled a comic based dream before so it sets itself aside for special consideration right off the bat. As the scene plays out, something starts to happen to Beast, this strange energy begins to build in his chest and he demands that Chris watch. As this energy builds, comic panel, by comic panel, Beast's chest finally erupts and he's destroyed. The scene becomes this fully 3D (i.e. not a comic anymore), totally white room, Chris and Beast are gone and all that remains is this white portal that is only visible because it's even whiter than the room's walls.

      So, this is the reason I put it in the "Beyond Dreaming" section: out from the portal start emerging these beings that I can only call fairies. Though my sense of scale was screwed up (the room was devoid of scale-reference points such as architectural features or furniture) I knew these beings were tiny, maybe the size of the length of my hand. They looked like a cross between the standard image of fairies (tiny elves) and dragonflies. Instead of a humanoid face, each fairy had two huge (relative to their height) compound eyes, but they still had a humanoid/bi-pedal body plan, and a set of four, beautiful and delicate wings out of their backs. Each fairy is carrying a brown sack, comes toward me and dumps the sack's contents on the floor: 2-3 gold coins, and then goes back into the portal. After a small pile of gold has started to form, what is quite obviously the fairy in charge exits the portal and addresses me. I haven't been able to recall everything she said to me, but I felt that I knew several things at that moment: 1. she was the fairies' queen/ruler, 2. she was communicating with me without using her mouth, 3. the gold was definitely intended for me. The only phrase I remember clearly is "dream treasure" and I suddenly had the sense that it would accompany me wherever I went and each coin would grant some power over dreams.

      Now, I'm not the most skeptical person, but at the same time, I usually need personal experience of something to really believe it. So, this dream has been questioning what it might have been. I can definitely remember imaging dragonflies the previous day (at the gym I was imagining jet-fighters designed around a dragonfly body plan), but fairies and specifically fairy royalty were definitely not in my thoughts yesterday. When I woke, I tried to re-enter the dream, but could only reach that hazy, half-dreaming, half-awake state. But, I remember wondering how I should thank this queen for her gift and what I had done to warrant her giving it. I actually had the idea of a "dream quest" to her court to thank her, but as I have yet to achieve a controlled/sustained lucid dream, I think such an expedition is beyond my skills at the moment.

      So, thoughts? Just a regular dream, or something more? Any suggestions on how I might train myself to use the coins or at least remember their existence while dreaming would be most appreciated. Thanks for reading

    2. #2
      ********* little nemo's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jul 2007
      eastern pennsylvania, usa
      Very cool dream.

      Okay... my take - While dreams are generally held to be fantasy; impromptu dramas staged by and within the mind, what they express is real. The meanings and messages they convey are NOT imaginary. This very concept is, I believe, encoded in your dream in the progression from comic strip to live-action 3D, and the blowing up of the two fictional characters. (Although those particular characters, Griffin and Beast, each have a deeper, and fairly obvious symbolism.)

      As far as the fairy gold is concerned, I don't think you have to DO anything. Just keep in mind that you have been given treasure by your deeper, purer (all white) self. Treasure that is, in its way, magical, and to be used however you choose - waking or asleep. Or put another way; you carry this abstract 'value' within yourself that comes from yourself, and you are free to 'spend' it however you like.

    3. #3
      Dream Painter DreamLily's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jul 2008
      Madison, AL/Savannah, GA
      The only thing I can really suggest is meditation.
      I would also keep a dream journal and/or dream sketchpad.
      You should probably keep aiming for lucidity and when attaining it, you should keep in mind the past dream and ask questions.
      I think when we return to our bodies to awaken, certain information we obtained in the dream world is 'locked' up. Probably because we would be too interested in it here on Earth where things are boring, and it would lead us away from our physical lives.



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