
I would very much like your views on this matter.

When I was in Peru I experienced something just before the onset of sleep which was quite amazing, and I'm curious what you might think of it.

Just before going to sleep I was very, very happy. I was dancing around in my room, laughing and laughing. I felt great.

I went to bed and I fell asleep, I think. But I'm not sure of that. Anyway, next thing I remember is being in the room. I moved around the house, but it was an "I" which seemed different than the physical me. But only afterward.

Then I remember being conscious of lying on the bed and looking up at the ceiling, but not being able to move. Something came into view. At first it scared me but the closer it got to me the less scared I was. It felt somehow "familiar". I heard a voice. It said "I don't believe in facts anymore." There was a point of me seeing the other but being the two, together. We merged into one and I was back in bed again.

So... what was that?