Does anyone have knowlege of ancient Greek/celtic/ Pagan myths or Legends?

I had a bizzare dream whilst camping in a place with a stone circle where pagans and shamans etc have visited in the past and I feel as though my dream is related because of its epic content.

The character and what follows was in the style of a fantasy/fairy tale (Pans Labrynth style) He was a mutated human, an evil character with the side of his head severed , with no ear and what looked like gold puss coming out. He offered people a gold coloured sticky boiling liquid in shot glasses which when offered would scold the victim, he them offered it to me and kept doing so but I kept refusing and then in the end seemed reluctant but had to pour it over himself (which explained the mangled head) and scoulded himself, and fell to the floor. This demon reminded me in the way 'No Face' the greed demon in Spirited away makes his offerings of gold.

Does anyone have any links or ideas to what this could mean ?

Any comments appreciated
