Hello dreamers ...

The other week (daytime) I was a bit sleepy, so I went to my room & just sat on my bed, & looked in the mirror & thought of nothing.
I watched my face change, colours appear, I heard that if you looked you might see the outline of your astral body. I felt aware of my energy but that is not an unusual thing & after a bit, I just curled up on my bed & went to sleep.

I have not ever tried to astral project - I have heard of it in passing but it isn't something I have conciously attempted.

So anyway, I wake up & I realise I am trying to leave my body - it is like a heavy pulse beating ... the pull of water you swirl in a cup, like a vortex - and on that pull I am trying to leave my body. And then in almost fractured strobe movement (buzzy) I floated above my actual body - - I thought okayyy & looked & all I could see was grey (with like bubbles) & then I thought is this ok? leaving? where am I going? what if I forget my body? - I wasn't afraid - I was glad I knew how to 'launch' properly but then I got distracted (I think fear) & thudded back in.

Do you think this sounds like Astral projection, is it normal that it would happen without me conciously trying to have an experience.

I have had a kind of OBE experience before, whilst I was awake, where I left my body but it was more of a memory & not as 'knowing' as the one I had the other day. This was very real, almost violent the way I was trying to get out!

Thanks for any feedback xx