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    1. #1
      Lucid Dreamer
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      Verbally Speaking During An LD & Prophetic

      Hello to all that come and read this. :-)

      I had a lucid dream this week that has been haunting me. When it began I was lucid at the onset of the dream. I started to see colors of purple light flowing and morphing in front of me and then they turned to a blue. As I witnessed this dance of morphing light I asked myself am I actually dreaming or is something wrong with my eyes. I tried to open them and couldn't. Then I realized I am on the threshold of dreaming. Then for a quit moment I fell into the dream.

      I woke up i the dream to witness a world I had seen before in my dreams. The landscape was bare with dead trees. I could see some building they were dark and partially consumed in darkness. The sky was darkened with thick black clouds where in some areas the darkness touched the ground. I looked around and remembered being there before and knowing I was in a dream state but also had the knowledge of knowing this was a real world.

      In this dark windy scene I saw scattered groups of people pushing up beacons of light. I knew our world, my waking world is in real trouble and knew the darkness was soon to cross over to everyones waking life. It was like this world was real. I looked at my hands and part of my body down at my feet at the ground and saw grids of light running through the ground and my feet. I remembered these grids of light and knew I had traveled on them when I was younger and knew some how in my heart someone needed to know this world was real. I said nothing in the dream and felt lucid. I then heard my husband calling me and thought, "darn he is breaking my lucid dream that I just started to experience."

      I woke up to see him looking down at me really concerned and he asked if I was okay. I said yes why did you wake me up I was having a cool lucid dream. He said I was talking in my sleep in prose stating where I was, what I was seeing and that I was who once was, who is now and who will be. We all are the same. He said I spoke of a grid and that he needs to open himself up to learn more. He then said I proceeded to speak in a language that he didn't understand and then he woke me up.

      My questions are has anyone ever had this happen to them while they were having a lucid dream? Could this have been a lucid dream? When I was in the lucid state I was really looking at all the details so I could draw it when I wake and thought that too. I remember it well. I heard my husband's voice call me to wake me up while I was in my dream. So I know I was lucid. But to know I spoke verbally out in my dream is nuts! I was not aware of doing that at all! I also felt this dream is what is to come. Something terrible I fear is brewing something big, bigger than we know. What gave me hope in the dream was that there were other people there that knew the place was real and were putting up the beacons of light to ward of the darkness.

      Such a strange thing to occur. I only believe my husband about me talking during my lucid dream because he was able record a little bit of what I spoke. It scared me to hear myself speak and not know I did it and with ending in talking in another weird language.

      Any comments or idea will be so appreciated.


    2. #2
      Member nina's Avatar
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      This is awesome!!! Especially since I was only just yesterday reading about this sort of thing. Have you heard of Edgar Cayce? If not, please please go and read about him.


    3. #3
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      Thanks for the information. Someone too just emailed me and told me to read Edgar Cayce too. When I am home tonight I will do just that. :-)

      I have had lucid dreams my whole life as far as I can remember the first was when I was 4 years old. Scared the day lights out of me. Now I enjoy my lucid dreams most of the time but never had one while verbally speaking and not knowing I was speaking. :-)

    4. #4
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      Thumbs up

      As for your gift- I am Christian and in the Bible Paul (I believe) covers this with a list of God given Spiritual gifts. I'll give you the passage and you can look it up for yourself.Corinthians 12:1-...(Until you would lie to stop) in line 10 it makes reference to prophecy as a spiritual gift.

      I have had many dreams that I "feel" are prophetic. However I don't believe that to be my personal gift. I can tell the difference- the normal ones fade and the prophetic stay embedded. I had a dream about the military fleeing over anchorage to Russia, and huge balls of fire falling to the earth and earthquakes and standing on the shore waiting for an impossibly huge tsunami to come I saw the water sucked out from under us so far back that you could no longer see it but you could hear the roar of the wave that was coming. I saw an Angel in the sky with a trumpet and a scroll but I wasn't afraid. I saw the world after all had happened and it as dark and broken but not dead and there ere still people. This isn't one dream but several over 20 years. I have had dreams come true but not right that moment it too years sometimes. Change is natural and if it is coming then we are only destroying the happiness we have now by fearing it. Also I think some dreams are products of media sensationalizing (2012) Everyone is over doing it about that subject and no one but God can be sure if its real or not. I personally hate that the media won't shut up about it they make a pretty buck out of fear mongering. I can't be sure then if my scary "end-time" dreams are real or a product of being told that the world is coming to an end every time we approach a new decade or century. The things that most of us choose to focus on are really quite negative and then we wonder why we are afraid all of the time and why bad things seem to happen to us. Loo deeply and decide if this is prophecy or your subconscious fears leaking into your dreams and you perhaps being a sleep talker lol.

    5. #5
      Member nina's Avatar
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      If you can actually really develop this ability, and it doesn't drive your husband insane lol, then that would be pretty amazing. Cayce is probably the most well known psychic of the last century and he did everything while he was asleep. He had people writing everything he said down, and there are thousands of books containing his prophecies and such that are not open to the public, sadly. But you can still find and read a lot of excerpts from things he has foretold. It is so incredibly fascinating and please keep us updated if you continue to experience this, whether intentionally or not.

    6. #6
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      More talking in my sleep

      Thanks for your replies. Since my last posting my husband recorded me speaking some more. He asked who I was and I gave names of dead relatives on three different nights. I also gave a name for one that is not a relative that keeps warning us that the darkeness has been patched and the grids are damaged and that she is 14 spaces away.

      My husband is freaking out with it. I don't remember when he wakes me up out of sleep I feel the same sensation each time like if I am pushed back into the bed and that I also feel like I am part of the bed. I wake up out of a an existence where I don't see, or feel anything. It's like my mind is shut down and hanging in a brown darkness. Which is weird because when he wakes me up he presents me with a recording of me talking like other relatives in another language. Obviously I can speak spanish perfectly when I am sleeping. When I am awake I can't.

      Out of the three relatives I spoke to be when I was sleeping only one was I able to verify with another relative about the incident. This living relative believed whole heartedly that their sister spoke through me since what I said and explained was what they did when they were children. It was something I had no knowledge of at all. They also claimed I spoke in the same tone and spanish of that town.

      I wish there was someone who can explain in detail what is happening to me and tell me what to do and not to do. The relatives coming through me doesn't bother me so much. Actually it comforted me to know maybe there is another side. But this other being talking through me freaks me out. I speak in a language I don't know. It's like my subconsious or another being is warning me of things to come. I don't like it but I don't want it to stop just because I am scared of it. If it helps someone then I am alright with it. I just don't know what to do and how to prevent my husband from being freak out over me.

    7. #7
      Member nina's Avatar
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      This is really fascinating...could you post the recordings so we can hear them?

    8. #8
      Lucid Dreamer
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      I don't know how to post the actually recordings since it is on a micro-tape but I can post a transcriptions of it if you like. :-)

    9. #9
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      I don't really have anything useful to add other than WOW! I hope you continue to post here what comes up!

      Oh! I do have something useful. Does your micro-tape player have headphone jack?

      If so, you can buy a cord from your local audio supply store... I *think* a stereo to stereo cable will work... essentially you want to plug one end into the headphone jack of your player and the other end into the microphone jack of your computer. Open up any audio recording program (I like this freeware program called Audacity)... you'll have to do some fiddling around with audio settings to produce a good sound (ex. something that isn't too hot and wraught with distortion or something that isn't too quiet and muddy sounding)... you may also have to turn on a setting called "Stereo Mix" on your sound card (which I can't direct you to how that works, it's different for every sound card). I can't record anything to audacity that plays from my computer without stereo mix turned on.

      Annnnnnyways, if you can get all that working, you can then record the audio your husband took of you for us to hear!

      Last edited by Serenity; 12-16-2009 at 06:18 AM.

    10. #10
      Lucid Dreamer
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      First transcription

      All right this is the first transcription. My micro tape is one of those recorders that begins recording when it hears a sound so some stuff I couldn't make out and my husband being so tired couldn't remember and fill in the blanks. So I placed questions marks in the areas where I don't understand what I said. Thanks for reading and what ever feed back I get I will greatly appreciate it.
      --------------------------Beginning of transcription------------------------------
      Nov 12th, 2009

      Why do I have to tell them any more
      I see I am forced today.
      I’m tired
      I am abused
      Are you prepared to write?
      I have no patience any more are you prepared to write?

So be it
      As tired as I am
      As tired as I am
 but I will still try
      ??? (Can't understand this part the tape didn't pick it up since there was silence.)
      They sent me to the edge of the grid in the darkness
      Partially patched but it is not fixed
      ?? out of the edge 
I am now 13 spaces away
      You know not of what that is. It is a different spot, a different space.
      I am who was, who is, and who is now. 
For I travel the grid and therefore time splits for me. 
Time and traveling is hard. I am who she is, and who she was, she is me, I am her. She forgot who she was and we are some what a part. We are all like this. You, everyone. ?? Everyone who is into the light is like this. 

But once the holes are in of the grid it dis-functions all who we are. And all the different spaces between all the others are undivided and detached. It can not be so for the flow of the grid must travel from one to ?? (at this point I sounded like I was choking) Weak connection. The pull of the grid has scarred me. I must be fixed. Impossible. Ekechadity I am, a traveler of the grids before time and after time and time is now. Just like you just like us just like all the ones. We all are the same and flow from the same disks of light that flow through the spaces of the grid. 

      Fear I must go. The darkness is partially patched. That is all you need to know. Pass it to the other spaces in between. The ones that go down, the ones where they live, the ones they call the dead must know. So they will not fear that they have to pass again.
      -----------------------------Ends Here -----------------------------------

      I then at this point started speaking some language that sounds like something I've heard before and then it ended. What freaks me the most is the line " I am who she is, and who she was, she is me, I am her." I have so many questions about this.

      Is this my subconscious?
      Could this be a dream character talking out?
      Is this the beginning of an illness yet to emerge? I say that because of the line "I must be fixed?"
      Could the darkness represent an illness within me?
      Could it represent the sadness I had since I did lose a loved one? I've lost people before that I love and never spoke out in a dream state though so I don't know why I would now.
      Could it be also while in sleep we keep creating and my subconscious is handing myself a story?

      I don't have any answers at this point I am just rambling. I have only questions. I just felt I had to share this with other people that is why I am posting it here. So thanks for the conversation and reading it. I'm baffled, perplexed completely.

    11. #11
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      Thank you eternalstar

      Thank you eternalstar I will try what you said. I need to fiddle around with it. :-)

    12. #12
      Member Specialis Sapientia's Avatar
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      It is very fascinating

      I am interested in the unknown language, is it Spanish? "Obviously I can speak spanish perfectly when I am sleeping. When I am awake I can't." Or something else?

      Have you heard of "The Monroe Institute"? It was in the 70's and 80's dedicated to research into consciousness, they basically made a lab, with some isolated booths, used hemi-synch (sound that help one enter an altered state of consciousness) on the subjects and they would then explore the larger reality, while being able to communicate to the operator via a headset and microphone. There was generally two different approaches, either the subject reported directly via microphone, by using the body to talk, or the subject body was "taken over" by another intelligent being that would talk and communicate through the subjects body. Conversations was possible and many interesting talks went on.

      All the material was recorded to tape, and now 32 tapes have been made to mp3 and uploaded to their site. By listening to the tapes I think you might become more comfortable to what you are experiencing, and appreciate it.

      You can browse the 32 tapes here, and download them easily.

      I hope you'll report more of your experiences
      The wise ones fashioned speech with their thought, sifting it as grain is sifted through a sieve. ~ Buddha

    13. #13
      Lucid Dreamer
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      Red face Thank you

      Thank you so much for the link to the Monroe Institute. I looked at a few videos and starting to understand a bit more about myself. I am an artist/musician/web designer. Lately I pulled away from web designing and I have been for the first time in my life just creating things that I want to create instead of having someone telling me what to do in a commercial setting. I wonder if that triggered me talking more frequently. The site is really interesting. You gave me something to read for awhile and I like it. :-) I understand completely about what they mean when you are creative and in the imagination you are not aware of your body. I get like that when I create and listen to music. I always wondered if that is why I lucid dream so much too.

      By the way does anyone here found a pattern to when you have your lucid dreams? My lucid dreams and my talking at night always occur between 3am to 5am.

    14. #14
      Member Specialis Sapientia's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by DreamSeer View Post
      Thank you so much for the link to the Monroe Institute. I looked at a few videos and starting to understand a bit more about myself. I am an artist/musician/web designer. Lately I pulled away from web designing and I have been for the first time in my life just creating things that I want to create instead of having someone telling me what to do in a commercial setting. I wonder if that triggered me talking more frequently. The site is really interesting. You gave me something to read for awhile and I like it. :-) I understand completely about what they mean when you are creative and in the imagination you are not aware of your body. I get like that when I create and listen to music. I always wondered if that is why I lucid dream so much too.

      By the way does anyone here found a pattern to when you have your lucid dreams? My lucid dreams and my talking at night always occur between 3am to 5am.
      You are welcome

      I hope you will listen to some of the tapes too.

      Would you be interested in some audio files that would facilitate the altered state of consciousness? Maybe after you have heard some of the tapes, and gained inspiration and seen what is really possible in regards with communication of information.

      Are you Dreamlyn? You linked to http://dreamlyn.deviantart.com/art/L...ttle-113451173 and I saw some similarities.

      "By the way does anyone here found a pattern to when you have your lucid dreams? My lucid dreams and my talking at night always occur between 3am to 5am."

      I mostly get lucid in the morning, not long before waking. I also seems to get lucid dreams in sudden bursts, I can go two weeks without any lucid dreaming and then I get 5 lucid dreams in row in one night.
      The wise ones fashioned speech with their thought, sifting it as grain is sifted through a sieve. ~ Buddha


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