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    1. Briers, caddying and Buses

      by , 09-15-2012 at 03:22 PM
      First off, I wanna say that after two weeks, I can pretty confidently say that not fapping can greatly improve vividness and complexity of dreams!

      Dream one, was waiting for the bus to school, it was abnormally bright, and I start talking to this guy who works in chicago but lives in the suburbs. And he was smoking a brier(a specific kind of pipe, that I probably dreamt about because it was in one of the stories I recently read in school). So he got on some random yellow bus that said something about Chicago, I believe that I just forgot about my own body and started just seeing the dream from his perspective. He had brown short hair, a snazzy tux, and come to think of it, looked a little like "Harvey" from "Suits". So yeah not much else happened, just went to chicago and the dream faded.

      Then I had another dream about being at a golf course, everyone was smoking weed out of the briers (has no connection to me, never done any drugs before) but none of them actually seemed high. So they were all laying down on golf carts that weren't touching the ground, kinda looked like starwars speeders. So apparently these guys got the pipes from these notebooks that the golf course interns gave them. And there were tees in there too... So tons of nonsensical and I picked up on none of it. :/ But still was fun. Can't remember much else from that dream.
    2. 7/10/12

      by , 07-12-2012 at 08:16 PM
      Just some random room, I start walking around, go outside, and see some familiar faces. I start talking, but I don't remember the conversations.

      I remember a dream about being at a golf club in Arlington Heights. There was a beach somewhere on the right, didn't really fit in with the scene. I had my caddy gear on, and a golfer asked me to help him with something in about 30 minutes. I went and sat down on a log with a few other people. I leave after a while. I go to some really creepy underground place, but I'm not scared. I walk down an alley, and I see someone sitting on the floor bleeding. I buy a really good electric guitar and acoustic guitar for only 50 bucks each. I make a mental note of how good a deal it is. I get both of them at target, put them both in some little shopping cart (not sure how that works) and I notice my mom was standing next to me the whole time. Later on, I talk to two guitarists, and play some random guitar in a shop. I think it was a guitar center. There was more, but it's so confusing and mish-moshed.