• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    The D-Log

    I have really long detailed dreams that are either super boring or super crazy.

    Few people you need to know before you read. (Mostly people I know in real life. Names obviously fake. Details scarce as possible.)

    Osezo: Pops up in my dreams probably the most out of all my irl friends. Male. Tall. Long hair.

    Gatgang: Osezo's younger brother. Almost frequently appears in dreams. Tall. Curly Hair.

    Setaron: Irl friend. Pops up from time to time. Male. Slightly tall. Short Hair.

    Meagan: One of my ex-girlfriends. Invades my dreams occasionally. Average height. Medium hair length.

    Readers with limited attention spans need not enter.

    1. Scratch Tickets, Comic Shops, Villains, False Friendship

      by , 08-01-2012 at 11:08 PM (The D-Log)

      So I start the dream off by getting some scratch tickets. Three of them. I scratch them all and win on all three of them. Two are 100 dollar winners. The last one has multiple 56 and 38 dollar winnings. I get all excited and spazzy. Suddenly I'm in a comic shop and I buy a hard cover complication of the best Wolverine and Cyclops moments. It was 20 dollars.

      Dream changes setting to a slightly different comic shop. Has posters all over the place and looks very cluttered. Who are the owners? Why the Joker and Harley Quinn of course! I have weird small talk with them for a while. Harley gets all up in my face at one point and asks what is wrong with my eyes. I explain that I have Central Heterochromia.
      After that, I start looking for a specific comic but the dream scene changes. I'm flying above a city in a superhero costume, narrating what's happening in my head. I go back to my house and get in normal clothes. I go through a weird portal and end up on the side of a mountain. Joker is there. He's being all friendly and nice to me. I find out that he is only doing this because it's part of his "plan". I get upset and then wake up.

      Updated 08-01-2012 at 11:09 PM by 56195 (forgot to add categories)

      non-lucid , memorable