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    Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming

    Non Lucid Dream

    Lucid Dream

    1. Crazy Realistic Dream, 2 Part Holiday Dream

      by , 07-25-2013 at 05:01 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)
      I went to sleep at 02:00am and had a lucid dreamer tablet before I fell asleep instead of sleeping a few hours then taking it. This worked much better for me, the dream was soooooo vivid!

      Dream 1

      I was at a festival, in this festival there was 3 places where you could sleep. I had this area which was really peaceful and I was lucky to get it, it was just a patch of grass with a few beds on it. Next to me was the other area, this was a huge tent but it was ruled with bikers. The area after that was a patch of gravel and it had a bunch of young people on it like 18 year olds. I walked into the bikers area and they all started attacking me. I walked out of it and went next door into the gravel area. There were some people from my school in here and they were telling me about the bikers. I was lying on a bed which was right next to bikers area and I dropped some litter accidentally which blew onto the bikers side. They all got angry and started shouting at me. They said they were calling the cleaners right now! I ran back to my area and my friend was sitting on his bed playing Ab-Soul out some portable speakers. I was like 'Yeahhhhh, good music' and started singing along.

      Everything then blacked out for a second. I regained consciousness and I was in a room. I was caged in some metal electric fence. There was a big yellow keep out sign in front of me. However I wasn't alone I was with one of my friends brother, he is a lot younger than me. I look at my surroundings and try to work out how I can possibly escape. I can't jump over, I couldn't do anything. I was stuck. Outside of my metal fence there was a hall, down the bottom of this hall was a door. It swung open and 4 people come bursting into the room. I look at my friends brother and whisper to pretend that his hands are tied in the hope they let us out and we can swing a punch. They walked up to the fence. The main guy was an old man in his 60s with grey hair. He comes right close to the fence and says "Tell me where your friend is?!" My friends brother had now turned into my sister. My sister refused, she would not tell him. He told her that if she would not tell he would kill her and her family. "Just tell him!" I shout.

      "No, I would rather kill myself than tell him" she turned round and ran down this what looked like a water slide (it was where they threw people down to kill them).

      "NOOOOO" this guy shouts as she jumps down. She realises she doesn't want to die and climbs back out of it while she is halfway down. I think I need to see if I can escape in case I get thrown down. I jump down this black chute. I slide down this first drop where my sister got to and I try to climb back up. It wasn't working I was slipping down, I couldn't get back up. I was going to die. Water began to splurt out everywhere so it kind of turned into a water slide, a really slow one. It pushed me down, a left, right, left then there was a huge drop, at the bottom of the drop it pushed me left again then I could see the walls were getting much smaller in the distance. I come up to them pulling myself along the chute now as I'm going so slow, I enter this very claustrophobic space wishing that I would hurry up and die, I took some more corners until I seen it. There was a dead end, there was blades which were in a 10 by 10 square and on the other side of this blade was spinning blades which chop you up completely. I think I either kill myself now or die from starvation. I bring myself up to do it then realise, ITS A DREAM QUICK OPEN MY EYES and I do.

      Dream 2

      I was on holiday and my block of apartments was near the top of this mountain. The pool was amazing, it was surrounded by glass planes which looked over the mountain. The pool was quite busy and had lots of people in it. Good, because I felt like talking to people and so I did. I jumped in and swam to random people engaging in conversation with them. However I can't recall what we talked about now. There was a swimming race going on soon and you did it in pairs and the winner got a prize. I was paired up for someone against my school. We dived in and we were using floats for our arms. Damn, I was really slow without using them. I chucked my float out and began doing front crawl and easily won. I won a prize, which was I could have this meal which was £7.50 for free! It was some rat type thing which you could see being cooked.

      Dream 3

      I wrote down my dreams went toilet and back to bed and I was back at the swimming pool again. This time I had been shot in the stomach. I was being treated by the side of the poo. The gun that shot me was an 'MP2' apparently. It was only a small bullet. The man got these electrical clipper things and pulled on it. OMG it was extremely painful, like super painful. He pulled it out and I was thinking. Wow, this is a cool story to tell.
      non-lucid , memorable