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    1. Amazing first time LD!!!

      by , 01-14-2011 at 05:51 AM
      Wow, its like being awoken by Morpheus in the Matrix. Like experiencing reality for the first time! Let me begin...

      Part 1: The Realization

      I was in my own bedroom when my dream consciousness began. I stood there looking out my window next to my best friend. I asked him if he heard the airplane flying over. He didn't respond so I turned around to see where he was. I found myself in front of my mirror, and THATS WHEN IT HIT ME! I was dreaming! But I didn't panic, and I didn't fret. He looked at me and I even said it out loud "we're dreaming". And to prove it to him and myself I ran at my mirror and dove, and I started hovering right then and there like a parachuter.

      NEXT is the exciting part!

      Part 2: Something Un-earthly

      I went back to my window (2 windows side by side actually, about 6 foot tall and 4 foot wide). I opened the shutters and looked at the moon (it was daytime mind you). I said to my friend, "this doesnt look right". Thats when the moon became the earth, and where we were became an alien planet. We stood there still in my room, but overlooking a alien ocean, which was very very blue unlike any earth shade of blue. I was so excited, being that I've absolutely in love with space and its possibilities. I stood there admiring earth when the earth changed to an earth like planet, and our planet its neighboring planet. It was like the universe was showing me an actual place that exists somewhere in the cosmos. It was showing me an earth like planet, and I was the first to see it. I actually ended up bringing in a celebrity singer and fooling around with her next, but I'll leave that out. haha

      Part 3: Losing control

      I didn't start losing control until my parents came in to the dream and starting yelling at me about the girl I had in my room.

      But overall, a very successful first time! Can't wait to go back there..

      The dream didn't feel more real, but it felt like more of the truth. Our existence in this reality makes less sense to me than that in a dream world where we have total control. I want back in!
      Tags: earth, floating, space
      lucid , memorable