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    1. The Video Store 30/09

      by , 10-02-2010 at 07:06 AM
      I didn't write anything down on the 29th. But on the 30th I have quite a lot written down. A lot happened and some of the events may not be written down in the order they happen.

      In the first part of my dream I remember being in a shop, I am unsure if it was the video store at this point or not. I briefly remember my friend Jonty being involved but I am unsure what he did. I then received a phone call from another friend Isaac to come and work at the video store with him later; I don't have a job but for some reason this proposal didn't seem strange to me, nonetheless I made up an excuse and got out of it.

      The next part definitely took place at the video store, even though I am not sure how I got there (possibly could have used that fact to get lucid), I had actually been at one the day before I had this dream though and they were pretty similar. I went to the basement, it kind of felt like Silent Hill (I had got a Silent Hill game from the video store that day and played it close to when I went to bed so this isn't much of a surprise) and I thought stuff was bound to jump out at me. This is part of the dream I didn't remember very well when I wrote it down but I feel as if it was crucial to the experience for some reason.

      When I was back above ground some strange things happened. What seemed like a few Pornstars from the covers of videos in the store's restricted section were having sex with the few people around at that time. I can't remember if any wooed me or not but I remember the whole thing feeling very out of place and me running around the store trying to work out what was going on (I never once thought it could be a dream).

      That stuff cleared up and then something else happened. I am unsure where it took place, it seems like it was in a place that was a cross between my actual house and the video store. I was with a girl called RzQU and watching wrestling, I am surprised I didn't realise I was dreaming at this point, girls watching wrestling? dream sign for sure. But it actually felt very real and I had no idea I was dreaming, but I was really happy. I don't remember anyone else being there.

      Soon after the dream started to get weird. Before that point I drunk some vodka; for some reason I took the vodka into a backroom and mixed it with coke (the drink) I didn't taste the vodka as I drunk it though, even though I put quite a lot in. Then a girl named Carolyn came into the backroom and took the vodka away without saying a word.

      And then Isaac shows up for work, along with a lot of other people. They start hanging out around the store, they appeared to be having a bit of a party. There were people making out, people fighting but I don't think anyone was interested in videos. Isaac didn't care though, he just stood at the counter or hung out with me. I remember going down to the basement again, it was a lot less freakier this time as there were people down there but a lot of them were scared for some reason. I remember coming across a shower and RzQU's sister CNz naked but I can't remember if anything happened with us or if she even saw me.

      I then remember finding my dad in the store and we had an important talk that I wish I could remember the content of but after this I remember dad, me and Isaac tried to get everyone to leave and we wanted to close the store. I don't remember much beyond this point but it was not an easy task. I wish I could remember more as it seems pretty exciting but oh well. This was one of the clearest dreams I've had. Interestingly it occurred in the morning after waking up for a few minutes but being to lazy to get up and falling asleep again.