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    1. Odd Dream

      by , 04-21-2012 at 01:54 AM
      April 17, 12. 10pm-5am

      I was talking to a glowing pink, blue and white ball of light.(it was either one of those skyrim balls of light, or God. I'm not sure.) He had a strong voice, and was telling the rules of the place in was in. I'm not sure where I was.(maybe heaven...) "the light" was telling me there was one of everything and most things could only be used once. I wanted the color green and by old phone back.My dog Rusty wanted something i wanted as well, I kept pushing him back so, he couldn't have it. I told Rusty,"get down, you can't have it, it's mine. Then, "the light" told me about a verse that every body gets at some point of there stay. "Once you complete the assignment it goes to someone else," he informed me. I finally got Rusty to stop and he laid down at my feet. "the light" gave me the verse and told me what to do, I ran off to my car to get started. - End Dream-


      what a odd dream. I remembered more than I thought I did. I think the part with Rusty came from him getting in my face at night and I push him down to my feet.