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    1. About being fertile and making an ice sculpture and getting claustrophobic in mario bros 3 world 7

      by , 01-06-2011 at 03:45 PM
      My dreamrecall is getting better. I've been almost always able to recall one dream a night. But since i'm keeping a dream journal and recap my day before I'm going to sleep I've been able to recall more dreams per night. I can recall three dreams I've had tonight. From two dreams I only remember fragments but I also can remember one full dream.

      Here I go:

      Non lucid

      Fragment 1: I'm at a hallway with some guy who looked a bit like a famous dutch guy from a band I don't like.
      He looks like this:

      We're standing in front of a grey window. There are icicles hanging on the inside of the window. The guy is telling me that when a woman who is very fertile touches them they start to behave in a strange manner. I touch them and the start to take all kind of different shapes. I play with it a little and begin to make an ice-sculpture for my boyfriend. He doesn't like it. He gets mad. End of dream.

      I'm really scared to show my art to people because I was kind of raised like being creative is a waste of time. So I never show something I make and I never make music in public although I really love doing it. In my dreams I do show my work to people and they always get mad. So that might be a dream sign for me if that's possible, because in reality that never happens. I'll be looking out for it.

      Non lucid

      Fragment 2: I am in a world 7 of Mario Bros 3 for the Nes.

      There are pipes everywhere and I get a little claustrophobic. That's all I remember of this dream.

      I've been playing Mario bros 3 for hours for two nights in a row so it's no surprise to me I ended up there in my dream

      I will post my full dream later since I don't have the time to do it now.

      Updated 01-17-2011 at 03:45 AM by 40668
