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    1. day 5 in a manor

      by , 10-01-2011 at 06:00 PM
      I am in a manor and some people are getting new rooms, one room has a disco theme, another has an aquariam theme. a family doesn't like their room because they have strobe lights and I see them leaving in a hurry because thei little girl was crying and it seems like she is blind. A few hours pass by and they come back...it is now nighttime and I am cleaning off a mantle. I find an old pocket watch that seems to be from the victorian era and there is a picture of a couple...I feel like I know them but I havn't seen them in my life...I ask whose watch this is and the dream people say they don't know. I look at it with a sense of Deja Vu and the dream ends.
    2. horse rode and great outdoors

      by , 10-01-2011 at 05:53 PM
      I am putting some boots and a white cowboy hat on. I find myself outside riding a horse named Prinkle. I go to a wooden bridge but I don't cross it. I then see a car being chased I think it is a bad guy because I here shots so I race to the stable I get lost in a big cemetary that horses are buried in....the cemetary is a maze so everywhere I go I end up at a dead end or I get farther away from the exit. I try to ask for help but no one can hear me so I tell myself to go back to the stable and it worked. I then tell Prinkle to teleport in his stable and it works... I tell myself to go home and it works...then the dream ends.
    3. Day 4

      by , 09-27-2011 at 10:50 PM
      I am in Sunset Valley and I am in front of a school. It starts out as a video game but then it becomes reality. I go outside and it opens up into a field of green trees and blue skies. The air is fresh and crisp. I turn to my left and I see my friends sitting at a table on a country deck and my brother, my friend Anthony and another friend of mine is in the I then go inside and the school has all murky colors and there is no light. I go up the stairs and slip on the thirteenth step but thankfully I don't fall down. I reach the top of the stairs and get in line for lunch...I smell cocanut pudding(yum) and I see an array of sweets. I ask for pudding and the lunch lady mumbles something...everything freezes and I wake up...

      throughout this dream I could hear kids talking in the background but when I woke up it wasn't on the radio.

      black:sad and depressed
      Royalblue: happy and elated

      Updated 09-27-2011 at 10:58 PM by 50100 (colors were messed up)

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Day 3

      by , 09-27-2011 at 10:38 PM
      I am gambling with my family and it is nighttime. we have to guess certain smells of certain object.

      dream 2

      I am going home to my apartment at nighttime and I live on the second floor. I have a bunkbed and my apartment is unfinished. I later find myself in a forest in Brazil and I go to a house of prostitutes(?)...Later, I am in a hospital . the prostitutes are blind and they are in black cloaks, they run in the road but strangely, they do not get hit...

      royal blue:it was daytime
      Tags: nickmc12
    5. noteboook at night(with drawings)

      by , 09-26-2011 at 10:03 PM
      this is a very short dream...I am going to try to post two dreams a day because I have most of my dreams written down up to day 14...

      Dream 1

      I am looking for my notebook at night and the pages are filled with drawings. I can only see my hand
      End of dream

      See, told you it was short...I had other dreams but this was the only one I could remember at the time
      Tags: nickmc12
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Partying on a ship

      by , 09-26-2011 at 09:58 PM
      I am at a party on a cruise ship and I am eating nachos and cookies my friend Anthony, my brother, and I were there. it is almost time to leave.

      dream 2

      Captain Hero is defeating his enemies with nacho cheese and on the cruise ship we are out of chips. Anthony is playing a video game on a T.V in which I can't see. Again it was nighttime and Captain Hero loses against his enemies.

      Dream 3

      I am in a cold dreary place and it is snowing. I then find myself alone in an apartment sitting in a chair looking at a window. the Window is closed but strangley the yellow curtains are blowing. I hear the voice of a deceased woman who is angry at me for killing her.

      Dream 4

      I am in a desertand I am fighting in the Army. it is daytime and it is warm. A military leader by the name of Jose is conspiring with the enemy. I roll down a sand dune and I find myself alone in my dream facing a bunker.

      NOTE: I have four dreams on the same day because two of them I had at night and the other two I had in midday. the name in my fourth dream is a spanish name and it has an accent on the e so it is pronounced (hoa-zeh)... I must've been hungry for the first two dreams