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    1. Haunted Countryside

      by , 05-13-2011 at 08:15 PM
      Another non-lucid that only lasts for a short time. Stress from school must be getting to me, for I haven't had a lucid in over a week. I mustn't let it control me, though. Dreaming should not create stress, but release it instead.

      I'm riding through the verdant countryside on a red and black dirt bike; all alone on the sun smothered streets. My eyes are focused on the road ahead, galvanizing a sort of tunnel that acts as a blockade for my peripherals. The gravel from the road begins to hover slightly above the ground which grabs my attention suddenly, allowing my vision to fall back into place. I slow the bike down to a dull roar, kick the stand and gaze off into the purple horizon. The sun, a deep crimson splendor, drowns its remaining color into the grassy hills, leaving a timid sky to look after me until nights deathly grasp consumes the land. My stomach churls at the thought of nightfall in this unfamiliar territory and I feel a strange sickness start to take over. It doesn't feel like anything I have experienced before...a writhing pain throughout my entire body and a deep throbbing pang in my head. I'm forced to fall to my knees, letting my head fall to my sweat stricken chest. After a moment or so I lift my head and begin to drag my fragile corpse to the soft grass a few feet away. Stumbling, I land in the now colorless patch breathing heavily and waiting for a cool breeze to lift my spirits. It's almost completely dark now. I watch the last bit of color slip furtively behind the tops of the ancient pines, sitting helplessly beside my rusted bike and awaiting my inevitable doom. My eyes focus quickly as the night forms a blanket over the countryside; everything is now wrapped in a deep blue which becomes the one of two colors that haunt my dream. The other color was a tiny, lurid, golden light coming from a window of a dilapidated house on a nearby hill. It was a three story farm house with a tin roof and a wrap around porch. The once vibrant paint was now peeling off in sheets, revealing the sordid wood that was used to build the creepy structure. Every window was boarded up with several two-by-fours crisscrossing one another except for the window on the third level. A thin golden light crept through the tiny window, combating the dark that was now raging outside. My eyes were glued to the enigmatic glow. I forgot about the crippling maladies coursing through my body that had put me on my knees. I forgot about the dreadful night sky that so malevolently hunted my timorous frame. All I knew was that light. That golden glow that saved me from nightmarish ghouls and interminable fear, and instead leaving me in a bleary trance that would soon fade into the horizon and over the pines, just like the setting sun.
      Tags: horror, non lucid