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    1. Games seem to be key here...

      by , 06-01-2013 at 05:16 PM

      It felt like I was in a Pokemon game. Not much to say about it, except I was only walking around.

      At the end of a long "dungeon", there were books called Black to White and White to Black (I think this was a reference to Pokemon). The whole books were sort of like puzzles and the pages split from being black to being white in the middle of each page. They had a lot of pictures as well, and I think they were written by J.K. Rowling.

      My dad had people over. I think he invited over the people with the first phone numbers (1-111-111-1111, 1-111-111-1112 etc) and quite a few came. My cousin was there as well. We were given riddles to solve collaboratively.
    2. Five Blurred Fragments

      by , 05-27-2013 at 01:00 PM
      Woke several times before alarm; never remembered any dreams until morning. Almost everything seems like a big blur.

      Fragment 1:
      I was at my grandparents' house, though it was very different. We were all having Thanksgiving dinner and I managed to make some crazy stuff happen, which I fixed by adjusting all of the light switches to certain positions. Eventually, this turned into a sort of ship with all kinds of doors and passage ways and we got a big problem that was interesting and involved a lot of fighting to solve.

      Fragment 2:
      There was a city that sort of reminds me of those first Sonic games. There were multiple ways through and one aspect was seeing how fast you could go. Occasionally, a thing would pop up. I could never get past two of them. There was a giant elevator in the centre of the city that I was eventually meant to take, but I don't remember what was up there.

      Fragment 3:
      The first thing I remember was being in the van on the way to a restaurant and wanting to bring an empty water bottle in, which I drank while running to the door of the restaurant. We went to that restaurant twice: once for Mothers' Day and once for Fathers' Day. After those, I was at my dad's house and I kept needing something to drink, but I could never find a cup.

      Fragment 4:
      I was at the school, looking for hidden openings behind parts of the walls and found that as a Rhydon, I could easily climb all over the wall and break through. I started following instructions given by some evil person, kept finding all sorts of powerup things, and eventually ended up in a computer lab with a class in it and I had a dragon. It downloaded all of the information and blew fire around all of the room, though nothing really happened from the fire. The teacher and I talked while the dragon finished downloading everything. Then, the class left the room.

      Fragment 5:
      I was at my mom's, having battles against my sister. She once threw a couch down the stairs at me and started saying how "Java has no multithreading". Eventually, we were breeding Pokemon to get new types and I was following a pretty good guide with my brother and ended up with a pretty good result, but had far fewer in total than my sister. I eventually ended up in a room on the other side of the bathroom from my sister and eventually, we were in her bedroom, battling, even though I was planning to get another of the really good type. I won and I realized I was playing a new Pokemon game. The ending credits had a part where it was panning along a street near my house. I could even read a street sign, though it was blurred, and thought that was weird for a Pokemon game.